Germany [Deutschland] - The primary country in north-central Europe

- Continent: Europe
- Official name: Federal Republic of Germany / Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Population: 82,329,758 (2009 estimates)
- Area: 357,021 km²
- Capital City: Berlin
- Government and Parliamentary System: Federal Republic, Multiparty, Bicameral
- Head of country/head of government: President/Prime Minister
- Official language: German
- Date of Independence: May 5, 1955
- Currency: Euro (euro)
- National anthem: Einingkeit und Recht und Freiheit ("Unity and right and freedom")
Germany is located in central Europe and was formed in 1871 from several independent states into the German Empire following the Prussian-French War.
After World War II, the country was divided into the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) in 1949 and reunified in 1990.
It is a founder of the European Union (EU) and the most populated country in the EU.

- Continent: Europe
- Official name: Swiss Confederation
- Population: 7,604,467 (July 2009 estimates)
- Area: 41,290 km²
- Capital: Veron
- Government and Parliamentary System: Federal, bicameral
- Head of country/head of government: President / President
- Official languages: German, French, Italian, Romansh
- Date of Independence: 1499.09.22
- Currency: Swiss Franc (Swiss Franc/Sw F)
- National anthem: Trittst im Morgenrot daher / Sur nos monts quand le soleil / /Quando il ciel' di porpora ("Step into the rosy dawn")
Switzerland is a central European country that became part of the Frankish Kingdom and the Holy Roman Empire in the Middle Ages. In 1291, three representatives of the Swiss regions formed a permanent alliance, which is the country's origin.
In 1499, the Treaty of Basel granted independence after defeating an attack by the Holy Roman Empire.

- Continent: Europe
- Official name: Republic of Austria
- Population: 8,210,281 AUD (July 2009 estimates)
- Area: 83,870 km²
- Capital: Vienna
- Government and Parliamentary System: Federal, bicameral
- Head of country/head of government: President/Prime Minister
- Official language: German
- Date of Independence: 1918. 10.030
- Currency: Euro (EURO)
- National anthem: Land der Berge, Land am Strome ("Land of mountains, land on the river")
Austria is a land-locked country in the center of the European continent, ruled by the Habsburg royal family since the late 13th century.
It became a German Confederation in 1815, an Austro-Hungarian Dual Empire in 1867, a republic in 1918, a united Germany in 1934, a Soviet occupation in 1945, and regained its sovereignty in 1955.
It is one of Europe's six permanent neutrals, with perpetual neutrality enshrined in its constitution.