- Hello. Welcome and thank you for visiting the Nano Photoelectronic Devices Laboratory.
Our current research field is photovoltaic application, which include chalcogenide-based solar cell ( CIGS, CZTS) and next generation high efficiency solar cell (IBSC).
In our lab, we make thin film solar cells by using several deposition methods, and also characterize the fabricated solar cells by several measurement techniques such as I-V, Q.E., DLCP, Raman spectroscopy, PL and capacitance spectroscopy.
For more details: http://npdl.incheon.ac.krAddress : Room 220 Faculty of Natural Sciences, UniversityofIncheon 12-1 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon
Professor Profile
- Name : Kim Jun-Ho
- Specialization : Nano material analysis, nano devices, nano-bio application devices, Thin film solar cell
- Courses Taught : Nano Material Analysis, Nano-Electronic Materials, Semiconductor Physics
- Education :
- 1988~1992, Physics, KAIST (B.S.)
- 1992~1994, Physics, KAIST (M.S.)
- 1994~1998, Physics, KAIST (Ph.D.)
- Experience :
- 2004~PresentUniversity of Incheon: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
- 2004~ present, Professor (Univ. of Incheon)
- 2011~2012, NREL in USA ( Visiting professor)
- 2000~2004, ETRI (Research staff)
- 1998~2000, Univ. of California, San Diego (Post-Doc)
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (Senior Research)
Research Members
- Lee Dong-yeop: Researcher in Master's Degree Program, Solar Cell Research
- Lee Hyun-tae: Researcher in Bachelor's Degree Program
- Lee Hyun Tai: Student (M.S. course)
- Pak SeJun : Student (M.S. course)
- Kim Seong Yeon: Student (M.S. course)
- Ryu Jung-min: Intern Researcher, Post-undergraduate
Lab Address
- Ko Min-jung: Teaching Assistant, Administrative, Bachelor's Degree
- Kim Bo-seul: Volunteer with Scholarship, Administrative Assistant
- Address: Room 220, Physics department, Univ. of Incheon, 12-1 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 406-772
- Tel.: 032-835-4602 E-mail: jhk@incheon.ac.kr
Lab Web Page
- Lee Jae-hoon: Research Assistant, Administrative, Laboratory Exercises Web: http://npdl.incheon.ac.kr
- Kim Sung-yeon: Volunteer with Scholarship, Laboratory Exercise Assistant
- Address: Room 110 Faculty of Natural Sciences, UniversityofIncheon 12-1 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon
- Location and Contact Information