Department of Northeast Asian Studies
- Humanities and Social Sciences Division, Graduate School of INU
- Master and Doctorate Programs
PHONE +82-32-835-8710
FAX +82-32-835-0784
OFFICE Room 323, Building 14
Our graduate programs provide in depth integrated regional trade specialist education programs to cultivate students to develop various career paths for each field of study. The major objective and strength of our programs are to educate students to specialize in Northeast Asian regional markets (Russia, China, Japan and the U.S.) and to master English and the regional language of student's choice. The richness of the programs comes from preparing students with specialized knowledge in language and international trade in both theory and practice. The programs are enhanced by furnishing students with the real world experiences in the related fields in both private and public sectors as well as regional governments through an academic-industrial cooperation system.
The magnified regional integration of Northeast Asia demands specialists and experts with knowledge and training in international trade and the Northeast Asian markets. Our curriculum is based on an integrated multidisciplinary approach which connects theory and practice in international trade and the Northeast Asian regional markets with strong emphasis in languages. The programs have produced highly qualified experts who are currently working in private and public corporations, research institutions, public organizations and government sectors.
The magnified regional integration of Northeast Asia demands specialists and experts with knowledge and training in international trade and the Northeast Asian markets. Our curriculum is based on an integrated multidisciplinary approach which connects theory and practice in international trade and the Northeast Asian regional markets with strong emphasis in languages. The programs have produced highly qualified experts who are currently working in private and public corporations, research institutions, public organizations and government sectors.
Our curriculum is primarily comprised of four major concentration of areas of study on the Northeast Asian countries' (China, Russia, Japan and the U.S.) economy and their trade relations with Korea. Each major of concentration first focuses on foreign language and computer courses for attaining basic tools and then further stresses on learning trade negotiations combined with in depth regional studies in the Northeast Asian economies from both theoretical and practical approaches. The objective of curriculum is to prepare students with higher proficiency in English and regional languages of choice and basic understanding of social science and major area's politics, economy, society, culture, history and philosophy for advanced studies in international trade, international organization, climate finance, energy and environment, and sustainable economy.
Our department also provides courses on internationalization, various foreign languages, informations, academic-industrial cooperation and practical education for bringing up trade and regional specialists and experts who are equipped for the international arena.
Our department also provides courses on internationalization, various foreign languages, informations, academic-industrial cooperation and practical education for bringing up trade and regional specialists and experts who are equipped for the international arena.
Name | Position | Academic Area | |
Park, Jehoon 홈페이지 바로가기 | Professor | -Russian economics, -Comparative economic studies -Northeast Asian economy -Asian regional integration | |
Chung, Hoon홈페이지 바로가기 | Professor | -Japanese economy -International trade –International investment -International finance | |
Han, Do-Sook홈페이지 바로가기 | Professor | -International economics -Public finance -The U.S. economy -Sustainable economics | |
Kim, Mihnsoo 홈페이지 바로가기 | Professor | -Chinese economy -China’s bilateral economic relations with Korea and the U.S. -International finance | |
Sung, Weon-Yong홈페이지 바로가기홈페이지 바로가기 | Professor | -Political economy -Russian economy -History of Russian economic thoughts -Central Asian economy -Northeast Asian transport and logistics | |
Kim, Jiyoung 홈페이지 바로가기 | Assistant Professor | -Industrial organizations -public finance | |
Jin, Furong홈페이지 바로가기 | Assistant Professor | -Chinese economic -Development economics | |
Gwon, Jae Hyun홈페이지 바로가기 | Assistant Professor | -Corporate finance -Industrial organization | |
Yang Hyunjoo홈페이지 바로가기 | Assistant Professor | - Economic growth and development | |
- The major is divided into three specialized courses. (Russia, China and Japan)
- Students are required to have an approval of their advisors for registering courses.
- Students with different undergraduate background of major are required to satisfy prerequisites for the course.
- Students are allowed to register courses in other department with an approval from the department.
- Students cannot register for more than 9 credits in each semester with the exception of the students with prerequisite course obligations can register up to 12 credits.
- The scholarship awards from the department can be provided according to the departmental operation guidelines.
- Courses of study can be established and operated in each four-semester.
Prof. Sung, Weon-Yong(Department Chair)
- Phone: +82-32-835-8735, Fax:+82-32-835-0784
- E-mail:
- Address: Rm 333, Building 14, Division of Northeast Asian Studies, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yonsu-gu, 22012, Incheon, Korea
Ms. Lee, Yuri(Academic Affairs and Administration)
- TEL: +82-32-835-8710, FAX: +82-32-835-0784
- E-mail:
- Address: Rm 323, Building 14, Division of Northeast Asian Studies, Incheon National University, 119 Academy-ro, Yonsu-gu, 22012, Incheon, Korea