- Common 1학기 [0009062] RISE
- In order to strengthen the capacity of research for students and faculty
- 1 1학기 [0003142] ENGLISH CONVERSATION
- The goal is to improve the ability of native speakers to listen and understand English related to daily life, and to speak their opinions based on basic syntax and vocabulary without any major obstacles.
- 1 1학기 [0011104] Young Adult Literature and English Education
- This course will explore the genres, forms, and themes of British and American literature written for young adults. Also, this course will discuss how to apply knowledge of young adult literature to English learning and teaching settings. Through this course, students can improve their reading skills, learn the knowledge system of the Humanities, and hone their cognitive and affective aspects. This course ultimately explores the intersection among young adult literature, literary analysis and theories, discourses in the Humanities, and English Language Education.
- 1 1학기 [0002917] English Sentence Practice
- This course is designed to develop the ability to understand English sentence structures, which are essential for advanced English reading comprehension and writing. Students will improve their English writing skills by learning various patterns of English sentences. Additionally, by selecting and reading both non-fiction and literary works, they will be exposed to a wide range of English sentences used in real contexts, fostering a deeper understanding of English grammar.
- 1 1학기 [0010101] English Vocabulary Teaching Methods I
- Learning English vocabulary is one of the most important steps in mastering the English language. In this course, students learn English vocabulary through a variety of learning methods, and the goal is to help students, prospective English teachers, learn effective teaching methods for English vocabulary and utilize them in school.
- 1 1학기 [0006785] Basic Composition
- The course covers guided composition and free compositions at the sentence or short paragraph level to equip the students with the essential writing ability necessary for English education majors.
- 1 1학기 [0007800] Self - Design Seminar I
- Self - Design Seminar I
- 1 2학기 [0002914] American and British Culture
- This course covers essential aspects of Anglo-American culture through various mediums such as news articles, TED talks, Netflix documentaries, and more. Through the course, students will build foundational knowledge about significant issues like race, gender, and climate change. This will enhance the cultural background knowledge and English language skills of prospective English teachers.
- 1 2학기 [0003141] English Reading
- In order to strengthen the core competencies of the 2015 revised English curriculum, communication, self-management, community, and creative and convergent thinking, this course aims to train reading skills and facilitate English communication skills in various situations. In order to improve interest, learning motivation, and confidence in English, this class will prepare for the teacher's appointment test by covering English text and actual test questions on various topics such as politics, economy, society, culture, education, science, and literature. Through this, cultural identity learning as a community member and understanding of language and cultural diversity can be achieved through learning various texts in this subject, and as a future English teacher, students will be strengthened in their communication and reading and writing skills.
- 1 2학기 [0011985] Global Citizen EnglishI
- This course aims to enhance students' background knowledge and vocabulary on global issues through various media such as English newspapers, magazines, news, and audiovisual materials. Through this, students can not only improve their English reading comprehension but also develop their overall competency as global citizens.
- 1 2학기 [0011106] Communication and Linguistics
- The purpose of this course is to understand the nature of human languages and the fundamental properties of a human language as an efficient tool for communication. Frist, this course introduces grammatical aspects of languages through which we can give an overview of the major courses in the curriculum. In addition to the grammatical aspects of languages (English), this course will introduce linguistic issues through neurology, psychology, sociology, history of English, and computer science, which will broaden our understanding of human languages related to brain, mind, society and historical development.
- 1 2학기 [0011493] English Vocabulary Teaching Methods II
- Building a large English vocabulary is one of the most important steps in mastering English. This course approaches English words from several directions and helps students have a good command of English words.
- 1 2학기 [0011984] Future English Education Seminar
- This course aims to explore the changing processes and directions of English education in a rapidly evolving educational environment, while fostering the necessary professional competencies for prospective English teachers. Through this course, students will gain an overview of topics such as the latest revised curriculum, changes in the education system, the use of digital textbooks, issues of school violence, education on responding to the climate crisis, and the relationship between AI and future education. Students will engage in discussions on these topics, gaining a deep understanding of the role of English teachers in future education, and will be able to devise creative and flexible teaching strategies based on this understanding.
- It is a subject to improve literary sensitivity and reading ability through training such as reading basic English literature works such as poems and novels and expressing students' reactions in English by mobilizing rhetorical techniques and mystical analysis tools necessary to read literature effectively.
- It deals with the overall contents of linguistics such as phonology/phonology, syntax, morphology, and semantics of English.
- 2 1학기 [0011488] Advanced Reading in English
- The focus in this course is developing reading comprehension skills and English language competence. It provides essentials for both cognitive aspects of L2 reading comprehension skills and the core structure of English language in written discourse.
- 2 1학기 [0008783] American History An Introductory Course
- This course is designed to familiarize students with American history and help students prepare for the national teacher certification examination. As such, the readings of this course will focus on critical periods of American history that served both to set the foundations of American democracy, and at other times, save them. This course will consist of lectures, class discussions of course readings, and written responses to the readings. As writing is a form of thought, students will be challenged to consider the readings in terms of their implications for the time in question, modern times, and how these implications may apply internationally and to their own nation. Through lectures, class discussions and written responses to readings, students will have to engage their abilities in all four of the language skill areas.
- 2 1학기 [0011494] English Teaching Practice
- This course is designed to develop an understanding of effective teaching and to gain practical teaching preparation and teaching experience. It offers students the opportunity to experience planning, developing and delivering a lesson in a mock classroom with students.
- 2 1학기 [0011983] English Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- The course focuses on improving students' English speaking skills to prepare them for communication in a future where artificial intelligence (AI) will be an essential part of everyday life. It guides students in combining language learning with technical skills, enabling them to deliver presentations in English and effectively convey their opinions. In addition to developing communication skills necessary for daily life, the course fosters the ability to express their views on a single topic persuasively and fluently.
- 2 2학기 [0003515] Theories of English language learning and teaching
- The course provides students with a comprehensive overview of second language learning theories and issues in applied linguistics that pertain to language learning and teaching.
- 2 2학기 [0003516] English Grammar
- In this course we will discuss various basic but intriguing linguistic phenomena in English from a linguist’s perspective and provide adequate explanations for the phenomena under discussion. In doing so, we will particularly focus on how to form diverse phrases and clauses and how to package information for certain discourse purposes. Students will achieve a proper understanding of English grammar that will both enhance their language skills and provide a solid grounding for further linguistic study.
- 2 2학기 [0009799] English Teaching using Drama
- It introduces meaningful and educational British and American dramas (drama), discusses major themes, and helps students understand the background of the drama. Students will be able to share their thoughts on the problems raised in the drama texts, develop their ability to analyze and interpret their works through writing and dialogues, understand the meaning of the main excerpts of selected dramas, and learn English expression and grammar / vocabulary. Group and individual discussions are conducted under the guidance of the instructor. We will discuss how to effectively teach English using the drama we have learned.
- 2 2학기 [0011986] Global Citizen EnglishII
- As an advanced course following "Current English I," this class aims to approach various current issues through Written English by reading excerpts from English magazines and newspapers, while also developing a sense of Spoken English through audiovisual media such as news and broadcasts. The course not only builds background knowledge on global issues but also promotes balanced improvement in vocabulary acquisition, listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Additionally, it aims to enhance students' ability to critically understand news and broadcasts, and to logically present their opinions on social issues through speaking and writing, fostering their global citizenship competency.
- 2 2학기 [0008824] English Essays For Personality Education
- This course is to be established in accordance with a recent request of the Ministry of Education to have the students of our College of Education go through a specific course for their personality development. The students of our English Education Department in an urgent need to experience English reading materials in a broad range of different fields, both English education and personality education are to be achieved in this suggested course. Both classical and contemporary English reading materials in the fields of philosophy, religion, law, etc. are to be carefully selected in consideration of our students needs and ability, and then read together and discussed in a meaningful way in class.
- 3 1학기 [0003633] Materials and Methods for Teaching English
- This course is aimed to help students develop the ability to plan, implement and evaluate EFL courses. It will develop students’ ability to evaluate, adapt, and supplement TESOL materials and to create lesson plans and activities.
- 3 1학기 [0003520] English Phonetics and Phonology
- In this course, students will learn about the acoustic and articulatory properties of English sounds and gain an understanding of the types of phonetic variations in English phonemes. The course will mainly focus on articulators, mechanism of speech production, classification of English consonants and vowels, phonetic transcription systems, segmental variations, and sound environments of allophonic variations. Students will also understand regional, racial, and social dialectical differences in English pronunciation, as well as suprasegmental aspects such as stress and intonation patterns.
- 3 1학기 [0004183] American and British Poetry and Writing
- A survey of English poetry from Geoffery Chaucer to the Romantic poets for an understanding of the main currents and traditions of English poetry and A survey of major American poets for an understanding of the main currents and traditions of American poetry. And practice writing about poem. In this course you will have the opportunity to practice and apply about poets in your writing assignments.
- 3 1학기 [0011491] Contrastive Analysis of English and Korean and Grammar Instruction
- This course introduces future Korean educators of English to English and Korean linguistics from a contrastive perspective, covering key grammatical properties of these two typologically different languages. The topics include alphabets, sound systems, word formations, both simple and complex sentence structures, agreement phenomena, and figurative language usage found in both languages. By investigating these grammatical properties, the course aims to help future Korean educators of English to gain a deeper understanding the linguistic characteristics of these two languages, ultimately enabling them to provide enhanced English education in Korea.
- 3 2학기 [0010103] Discussion Seminar on English Classics
- By reading and discussing classic English literary texts, students aim to develop their basic skills as intellectuals with critical thinking, imagination, empathy and self-reflection for humans, and intellectual expression as well as acquire background knowledge related to the culture in the British and America. This is a seminar course, which will be based on students reading selected English classic texts prior to each class. This course develops students' comprehensive understanding, analytical skills, and logical reasoning through reading and in-depth discussion of literary texts.
- 3 2학기 [0008784] Reading English Linguistics
- This course aims to improve students English reading comprehension ability as well as to clarify the concept of English linguistics by reading the original text on English linguistics. As a follow-up lecture on the Introduction to English Linguistics, students will review the basic concepts of English linguistics that they learned earlier. Through intensive reading training focusing on quick and accurate reading comprehension, students can develop their ability to understand the text of other major courses as well as that of English linguistics. This course will cover the major areas of English linguistics including phonetics/phonology, morphology, semantics, language acquisition, and sociolinguistics.
- 3 2학기 [0011987] Multimedia and AI Assisted English Language Education
- This course aims to enhance the digital competencies of pre-service English teachers for future education. It explores the history and theories of English education using AI and digital tools, preparing students to understand, utilize, and develop digital technologies for English teaching. In particular, it focuses on cultivating the digital competencies necessary for transitioning to digital-based education, based on the digital literacy requirements outlined in the 2022 revised curriculum. Through hands-on classes, students will design innovative digital-based teaching strategies using AI digital textbooks (AIDT) and apply these strategies to develop their own teaching skills.
- 3 2학기 [0003642] Evaluation of English Class
- On the premise that the goal of English education is to improve English literacy, we examine the nature of English proficiency and evaluation, and at the same time study various theories of English proficiency evaluation. Specifically, appropriate evaluation goals are set according to the level of English ability, and evaluation methods for each area of English education, language function, situation, and communication function are devised. Furthermore, it actually produces evaluation questions and reviews reliability, validity, and discrimination through verification.
- 3 2학기 [0004959] Teachers’ English Education Seminar
- This is a seminar in which students are supposed to acquire on-the-spot experiences on Korean secondary school English education from teachers invited from about 15 different secondary schools. This is also a strategic course by means of which each teacher is designated as a mentor for a participating student. The mentor is to provide his student with a week-long class observation at his school at the end of the semester and also the next semester, and then with an opportunity for the month-long student teaching practice which must happen during the Spring semester of the student’s senior year.
- 3 2학기 [0009800] History of the English Language and English Education
- Students will learn the origins and developmental process of English examining Old English, Middle English, early modern English, and present day English. We focus on how pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar have been changed over time, and examine the relation between linguistic features and historical facts. This course also outlines the background of modern English as an international language and the regional/social characteristics of the language. This course is a lecture based course. Each lecture is provided on the slide that summarizes the textbook. Group and individual exercises will check students’ understanding. Students will discuss how such knowledge can be used in the actual educational field.
- 3 2학기 [0011490] English Syntax and School Grammar
- This course is designed to introduce students to syntactic analyses of phrases and sentences in English, adopting Generative Grammar, which has been the mainstream approach to syntactic work for the past 50 years or so. The topics include syntactic categories, grammatical functions, simple and complex sentence structures, X-bar syntax, various movement operations, constituent tests. By examining these English syntactic phenomena from a linguistic point of view, the course aims to help students better understand how to analyze linguistic data syntactically and to develop their syntactic argumentation skills.
- 4 1학기 [0003644] Seminar on Curriculum of English Education
- It is a process of examining various problems such as the goals, teaching points, and learning theory of English education, and studying teaching courses and evaluation plans suitable for each level of curriculum and open education.
- 4 1학기 [0003641] Advanced English Composition
- The primary objective of this course is to familiarize students with basic terms and theories in English linguistics, enabling them to compose written content in English based on this knowledge. Particularly, students often struggle with understanding and expressing linguistic terms in English. Therefore, the initial goal is to acquire specialized English vocabulary related to linguistics and assist students in utilizing this knowledge for English composition.
- 4 1학기 [0011492] Seminar in English Literature
- This course focuses on a specific topic in English literature and covers various literary works spanning different eras and genres. Students will develop an understanding of the particular theme and gain experience in engaging in intensive discussions and honing their wtriting skills. Through this course, students will acquire the ability to explore and analyze new topics from their own perspectives and will be equipped to develop new literature curriculum in the future as secondary education teachers.
- 4 1학기 [0011496] Analysis of English Constructions and Descriptive Grammar
- This course is designed to get students doing syntactic analyses of major constructions in English. The course focuses primarily on the descriptive aspects of English syntax, presented in a manner that fosters students development of keen insights into English data. It then delves into both basic and advanced theoretical concepts of generative grammar, enabling students to develop the ability to think, reason, and analyze English constructions from a linguistic perspective.
- 4 1학기 [0011489] Seminar on Instructoinal Practice and Pedagogy
- This course is a practical teacher training course. It explores and develops effective teaching skills. Students complete several microteaching experiences and enhance the effectiveness of their current teaching and assessment practices. This course will improve the quality of teaching as a profession.
- 4 1학기 [0008785] Seminar on Education in Secondary School
- The programme facilitates practical understanding of education in secondary school. It is a student-led seminar with the ample amount of context-based cases from the educational practice. This seminar challenges critical interpretation and understanding of educational practice in secondary school with the knowledge of educational theories, policies, and the educational system in South Korea.
- 4 2학기 [0011495] Applications of Big Data to English Teaching
- In this course, we explore what we can do with big data (or corpus data) in teaching and learning English from linguistic perspectives. We focus on fundamental concepts in corpus linguistics, corpus types, and the processes of querying, building, and annotating corpus data. Furthermore, we make comparisons between the content typically taught in English classes, rooted in prescriptive grammar perspectives, and how English is authentically used in real-life situations, as observed through descriptive grammar perspectives. In doing so, we mainly utilize online corpus data from the family of BYU-corpora, including COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English), BYU-BNC (British National Corpus), COHA (Corpus of Historical American English), and GloWbE (Global Web-based English).
- 4 2학기 [0003640] Rhetoric and Writing in English Education
- It is a course to improve understanding of basic logical patterns that match the characteristics of each English subject and English essay ability.
- 4 2학기 [0003645] History of American and British Literature
- It is a process that examines the development process of Anglo-American literature by century. Through a prism called literary thought, it promotes a deeper understanding of the relationship between human beings and language by examining the interests of each era and the dynamic interaction of literature. By exposing students to English Poetry in old times, they develop a contemporary perspective on English, thereby allowing them to respond more actively to the employment examination.
- 4 2학기 [0008786] English Linguistics Seminar
- This course aims to offer practical assistance to those who are preparing the teachers qualification examination in the English language. It is particularly aimed to develop the problem solving ability for the actual exam by summarizing the core concepts of phonology, morphology, and semantics in the field of English linguistics and focusing on solving mock questions and sample problems. Through intensive reading comprehension training, students can improve the ability to quickly understand the flow of the whole meaning of English texts and to develop problem analysis skills in linguistics. In addition, intensive writing training will improve students writing skills required for the actual exam.