Most of the graduates enter the company and are responsible for areas in: strategic planning, personnel management, accounting, finance, marketing, production management, IT, banking, securities and insurance company. Also, many graduates enter the bank industry. In addition, the graduate students enter the global business sectors in: import and export, distribution and logistics. Moreover, they enter into professional areas as civil servants, CPAs, and tax accountants. Furthermore, some of the bachelor graduate students enter the graduate school to receive a master or a doctorate degree to either to become a researcher.
As mentioned previously in the introduction, the demand for students in business administration is very large and will continue to grow in the future. The college of business administration is aiming to nurture international experts and provides students with various programs to enhance their job competitiveness. It has programs to support students to take various English-related tests such as the TOEIC. Also, it offers programs for many students to have the opportunity to study abroad in United States, Australia, China, and other different parts of the world. This language program for students can lasts as long as up to half-year or few weeks. In addition, the college of business administration supports off campus competition, IT and logistics study groups, and qualifications for various certificate of licenses. Furthermore, over the past few years, students have formed different study groups to acquire various qualifications. Moreover, the number of students are preparing various certificates and qualification exams from the freshman year is gradually increasing. Also, the number of students are actively participating in various contests and participating in internships has increased significantly. There is strong consensus of "Let's do it” between faculty member and students. Taking this attitude into consideration, the college of business administration is expected to rise significantly in the next few years.