- This course aims to improve the general understanding of social welfare through exploring its meaning and values as well as the historical development of welfare system. This course will also focus on social problems and policy responses of the society. Also, various political ideologies influencing these problems will be analyzed. With both macro and micro perspectives, this course aims to expand the horizon of social welfare.
- This course is for freshmen to introduce how to begin to study social welfare. It reviews the relation between social science and social welfare, and discusses scientific methodology in the field of social welfare.
- 1 1학기 [0010061] Human Rights and Social Welfare
- The aim of this module is to explore the social welfare and human rights and to understand and analyze a number of issues in terms of human rights in the social work field.
- 1 1학기 [0007800] Self - Design Seminar I
- Self - Design Seminar I
- This course introduces students to the individual and family components of social interaction in a variety of milieus. Theories of self and personality are studied along with theories related to traditional and non-traditional family styles, different social and ethnic groups, and assimilation and acculturation. Emphasis is given to the impact of different cultures and traditions on individual functioning. Additional attention is given to selected social characteristics of the larger society, such as factors of socio-economic class that influence individual and family behavior and functioning.
- 1 2학기 [0010059] Social Welfare History
- This course offers a historical perspective in understanding the development of social work. By exploring the history of social welfare system in western societies, the process of establishing, consolidating, and expanding welfare states is analyzed in political, social, and economic perspectives. Through comparing the development of welfare system in the West and in Korea, this course also aims to find methods in developing social welfare system in Korea.
- 1 2학기 [0010060] Diversity and Social Welfare
- The aim of this module is to understand the multi-cultural background people and to explore the roles of social welfare for the development of social integration with them.
- This course focuses on the individual, group, family among social welfare practice clients, and deals with social welfare practice for improving their social functioning. This course reviews values, basic knowledges, relationship with clients, social work interview, practice process, basic intervention techniques and skills, social work recording. It also emphasizes on the practice with case study and role play. In this course, special attention is given to understanding client problems in the context of different social work practice approaches and service requirements and to increased use of professional values to guide and inform practice.
- This course presents the broad range of research tools that social workers can use to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their practice. The course emphasizes the process of theory development, conceptualization, and hypothesis formulation across a broad spectrum of social work practice situations. The course includes methodological considerations relating to operational concept, research design (experimental, survey, and field), sampling instrumentation, methods of data collection and analysis, and report preparation and dissemination.
- This course reviews various policies and services of family welfare, and teaches specific skills and techniques that can be used for family social welfare.
- This course is designed to identify the nature and degree of social problems, examine the causes of the problems, and to evaluate the proposed solutions to such problems. We will start with the sociological perspectives on social problems. Three dominant sociological theories and distinctive approaches to the study of social problems will be covered. In this unit, students will be taught using scientific methods to research on social problems. Then we will focus on relative individual behaviors, such as physical and mental problems, drug use, and crime. The social institutions and other factors that affect these behaviors are noted and described. And then we will be devoted to social inequality, discrimination in discussing such topics as poverty, prejudice, sexism, and ageism. We will examine the effects of large-scale discrimination on individuals, as well as to deal with the concept of institutionalized inequalities. Next, we will focus on problems that are common to many societies and related to family life and work. Finally, we will focus on social problems of global significance.
- 2 1학기 [0010832] Social Service
- The aim of the module is to study the issues of social services in terms of policy and practice. To achieve this goal, we will explore the concept and boundary of social services and various issues of social services in terms of demand and supply sides. In particular, we will study the policy and practice of community care for the children, disabled, elderly, homeless, which aims to live healthy and independent lives in their homes and communities by using the adequate services.
- 2 1학기 [CGB6004] CHILD WELFARE
- This course examines policies for children and their families with a specific focus on child welfare policy. The course examines the interrelationship between: the knowledge base on child abuse and neglect; evaluations of interventions; programs and policies designed to protect maltreated children; and child welfare policy at the national level. The course also examines legal systems that govern the funding and operation of child welfare systems; the history of child welfare policies; the operation of child welfare systems; and the legal, political and social forces that influence the structure and function of child welfare systems.
- This is an intensive course studying social work practice. This course provides students with research knowledge and skills aimed at enhancing their direct practice with clients. Through this course, students learn the primary theories, skills, values for social work practice, and various roles of social worker. This course also examines methods of assessment, methods for choosing and evaluating techniques of intervention, methods for determining the effectiveness of practice and the use of research in social work decision-making. A successful outcome of the course will be that students perceive a more positive relationship between research and social work practice and possess a set of tools that they will be able to utilize in their future careers as social workers.
- This course provides an introduction to community organization and community capacity building. The main emphases in this course are the recent developments which have produced new community organizations, methods of practice in carrying on the daily tasks of community organization, and some of the major types of agencies and programs in which community organization is practiced. Then, studenst will learn to diagnoses the problems the community faces in modern society and to understand the professional processes in solving the problem and the capability of cultivating the practical process.
- This course focuses on social work practice with the aged peoples. This course seeks to understand the aged people's psychology, life, and social issues in a biological, psychological and sociological view. It explores the assessment and treatment skills needed to work effectively with older individuals, families or groups, and to advocate within the social welfare system. It also explores the institutions and social welfare policies which are feasible and applicable to current problems the aged face. It includes investigating and discussing on the various policies and institutions for promoting the quality of life in the old age.
- This course is to study the basic ideas and meaning of social security policies, which are representative social welfare policies in industrialized society. It analyzes various social security programs including public assistance, social insurance, and personal social services in Korea from a comparative perspective; their social and economic impact are analyzed with the analytic tools and skills imparted throughout the course.
- This course is concerned with the influence of ideology, values, and ethics on the development of social welfare policies and social work practice. Particular emphasis is given to the impact of such concepts as freedom, equality, and justice on the creation and implementation of social service programs and on the underlying value structure of alternative modes of social intervention. The course also provides students with a framework to understand and apply ethical concepts such as confidentiality, self-determination, truth-telling, paternalism, conflict of duties, and "whistle-blowing," in the daily realities of professional practice.
- This course provides students with a broad range of statistical methods and applications. It introduces social work students to the use of quantitative data for planning and evaluating social programs and social policy. Course topics include conceptualization and measurement of variables and basic techniques and concepts for exploring and categorizing data, for generalizing research findings and testing hypotheses, and for statistical data processing. Students will gain experience in using a Windows-based statistical software package on personal computers. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of data to address social policy and social work practice issues.
- This course focuses on key issues in social work practice in health care settings. Social aspects of health and illness, including cultural variations, health beliefs and behavior, and the impact of illness on the patient and the family, are examined and their relevance for practice is discussed. Appropriate theoretical models for practice are identified and applied to practice in the areas of prevention, primary care, chronic and long-term care. New roles for social work in varied health delivery systems and inter-professional collaboration are explored.
- This course offers an overview of social services and administrative performance. The aim of this course is to provide the students with appropriate knowledge and skills to effectively and efficiently manage social welfare organizations that deliver tangible and intangible services in order to satisfy basic and developmental needs of the members of the society.
- 3 1학기 [0001409] Theories and Practices of Social Welfare for Multi-Cultural Families
- This course discusses a variety of theoretical background and practical application of multicultural family welfare, and aims to propose for the development of multicultural family welfare in Korea.
- This course examines disability issues from multi-sectoral perspectives. It analyzes statistics and occurrence of disability to formulate problems, and designs to understand them in a macro system by rearranging these issues on the frameworks of theories and ideology. Then, students learn how disabilities impact personal, familial, educational, social, and economic dimensions for the individual, family and society, with attention to the person's special life cycle needs and characteristics. The course also emphasizes legislative, programmatic, political, economic, and theoretical formulations fundamental to service delivery.
- 3 1학기 [0010056] Social Welfare in Mental Health
- The focus of this course will be on mental health problem in contemporary society. It covers the analysis and development of the services for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of mental illness and social security for the mentally ill as well. The course will examine the primary social, political, economic, legal, and philosophical forces that have influenced mental health of individual, family, and community. The interface with other major service delivery systems, including welfare, criminal justice, primary health care, and legal system will be addressed. It also explores available resources and models for populations at risk and treatment alternatives, so as to develop appropriate knowledges and professional skills required to social worker in mental health fields.
- 3 1학기 [CGB6009] YOUTH WELFARE
- This course is designed to help understanding the psychological and social characteristic of the juvenile and learn about the social welfare-type approach to solve diverse issues occurring from it. Change in the psychological, physical, cognitive and social domains of growth is examined. The influence of social factors as well as social policies for youth are also throughly examined.
- This course introduces students to theoretical and practical aspects of social service program evaluation. Students learn about the design and implementation of all phases of an evaluation, from needs assessment to analysis of findings. Skills such as survey construction and budgeting are introduced. Intensive analysis of existing studies illustrates how evaluations are designed and how findings affect social programs and policy.
- This course is a study on the advanced understanding of social welfare policies. It provides students with an intellectual framework, a way of thinking and organizing social policy material into conceptual frames of reference applicable to a wide range of social welfare concerns. Topics include the Korean social index system, policies of family, labor, social security and social environment as well as social inequality issues.
- This course provides opportunities to students to integrate the knowledge gained in the classroom with supervised social work practice and serve at social welfare institutions or community service centers at least one day (8 hours) at a week throughout the semester.
- 3 2학기 [0010062] Family Counseling and Family Therapy
- This course provides students with assessment and intervention skills for social work practice with family. Particular emphasis is given to understanding major concepts of family system theories related to family counseling. Then, students have an opportunity to practice therapeutical approach and interventions to family problems.
- 3 2학기 [CGB6039] Family Policies
- This course provides students with assessment and intervention skills for social and legal policies related with the family system. It begins with a grounding in family systems theory and proceeds to explore patterns of interaction in terms of the wide range of problems that families bring to social agencies. Then, it identifies various issues in the current family policy system. It also teaches methods and skills to deal with those issues by examining case studies of family policy in domestic and foreign countries.
- 3 2학기 [0004140] International Social Welfare
- International Social Welfare is a course for students to want to work for international non-government organization and overseas social welfare agency. The course is to educate concept, scope, theory, and practice method of international social welfare and to bring up international social welfare expert.
- 3 2학기 [0010833] Social Welfare and Social Economy
- This course pays attention to the social economy as an alternative to traditional welfare state and capitalist market arrangement. In this course, students examine concepts, principles, historical developments and theoretical basis of the social economy. Based on this, the potential and directions of development are discussed as a solution for various social problems. The purpose of this course is to develop practical competencies necessary for working in the social economy field based on a deep understanding of social economy organizations in Korea along with theoretical knowledge related to the social economy.
- 3 2학기 [0001411] School Social Work
- This course provides students with an overall understanding of historical background and necessities of school social work as a field of practice. It examines the role and function of social work in the school setting, and covers intervention skills and practice models as well as various problems occurring in various levels of schools. This course will also help students promote an understanding of school social workers in school and use of available resources.
- This course helps students understand the ideal and real functions of the law and recognize the influence of social behaviors on the law, and of the law on social behaviors. Students have the opportunity to evaluate strengths and limitations of law for empowering historically disadvantaged populations.
- 4 1학기 [0010058] Welfare State
- The aim of this module is to understand the historical development of welfare state and to compare the different developments of the welfare states between the western countries and Korea.
- 4 1학기 [0004141] Social Work Practicum2
- Social Work Practicum2 is an advance course of Social Work Practicum. Followed by Social Work Practicum, this course asks students for additional further practice for comprehensive understanding of social welfare agency and community welfare field.
- 4 1학기 [0011882] Loss and Resilience
- This course views death, dying, and loss as fundamental aspects of human life. From a biopsychosocial perspective, students will explore death, dying, non-death losses, and grief across the lifespan. This course covers various theory and practical strategies to support individuals, families, and communities through the grieving process. The course also helps students grow into resilient social workers, both personally and professionally.
- This course offers students a feminist lens through which to think about and examine constructions of gender that affect social work practice and social welfare policies. The course enhances students' knowledge of women's contributions to the field of social work, feminist theories, women's "ways of knowing," and feminist practice approaches as they apply to selected arenas of social work. Special attention is given to economic, psychological, and social risks faced by women and ways in which social workers can better understand, validate, and empower women clients and transform social services to promote human well-being.
- 4 2학기 [0007327] Capstone Design for Social Worker
- Capstone design is the culmination of students' skill and knowledge acquired in undergraduate courses for training practical social worker with problem-solving skills, collaboration skills, practical skills required by the society. With the community welfare center, this course cultivates the ability to social work planning and practice and provides field services to meet the welfare needs of the community.
- Case Management course focuses on understanding a process of applying various models and skills to actual field work that provide social services, referral information, and other types of assistance to the clients. Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to employ case management terminology appropriately, to identify core values and the major elements of the social work profession as a case manager and to examine the delivery system and its relevance to social work practice based on the specific needs of the clients.
- This course is to practice the skills and techniques that can be used in all welfare fields through the workshops of social welfare. And then we will grope the present issues and alternative plans for understanding the social welfare more widely.