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8th Regional Symposium on Effective Governance and AI Transformation for the 2030 Agenda:This is a guide to the request to attend the UN Regional Symposium (Day 2, 10/31).If possible, pleas2024.10.0202 2024.10
[Urgent] 2024 Fall Semester Support for Online Learning and Employment Aid – Application Period (10/Note: First-come, first-served, so apply quickly! Applications submitted before or after the designa2024.09.3030 2024.09
[Korea Joongang Daily University Evaluation] Survey on the factors influencing the satisfaction of f[Korea Joongang Daily University Evaluation] Survey on the factors influencing the satisfaction of f2024.09.3030 2024.09
Uni Buddies Weekday Meet up2024.09.2626 2024.09
[Academic Affairs] Notice for the Withdrawal of Double/Major-Minor for the Second Semester of 2024Additionally, in accordance with Article 42 (Double Major) of the Incheon National University Academ2024.09.2525 2024.09
Application for Korean Language Supplementary Classes for International StudentsApply for the Korean Language Supplementary Classes for International Students at INU for the 2024-22024.09.2020 2024.09
Notice on Personal Mobility Device (PMD) Safety1. Recently, two major accidents related to personal mobility device (PMD) use have occurred. a. (So2024.09.1212 2024.09
Guidelines for Withdrawal from Course Registration for the Second Semester of 2024We provide the following information regarding the course withdrawal procedure for the second semest2024.09.1010 2024.09
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International Student Test in Korea | How well do you know about Korea?How much do international students who have lived in Korea for two years know about Korea?Check out2024.09.3030 2024.09
2024 Fall Semester IBE OT2024.09.1313 2024.09
We invaded one of the best NATIONAL UNIVERSITY in KOREA to interview students in English | INU GlobIncheon National University English interview!School facilities, support can be this big?!The studen2024.08.0808 2024.08
International Students Exploration of Korean University Festivals | INU Global EP.5The festival was held at Incheon National University for three days from May 7-9, 2024.Let's take a2024.08.0808 2024.08
End of Semester Party[2024-Spring]2024.06.2121 2024.06
2024 IBE Spring Pizza Party2024.03.2121 2024.03
Incheon University Korean Trade Commerce Major introduced by undergraduate students2023.12.0606 2023.12
[2023]Spring Semester, Pizza Party2023.10.1818 2023.10
[2023]Introducing (2)2023.10.1818 2023.10
[2023]Introducing(1)2023.10.1818 2023.10
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