fnctId=bbs,fnctNo=2801 RSS 2.0 총 41 개의 게시물이 있습니다. 게시물 검색 제목 제목 작성자 게시글 리스트 We remember our precious moments together and express our gratitude and respect. 작성일 2024.08.31 작성자 홍보팀 조회 111 Professor Ahn Sung-jae of Incheon National University Graduate School of Education publishes "There is no south in the south: Reading the thoughts of the old people with the roots of Chinese char 작성일 2024.08.29 작성자 홍보팀 조회 428 Professor Cho Jae-in of the Department of Literature and Information Studies at Incheon National University won the Excellence Paper Award at the Korea Information Management Association and KCDT 작성일 2024.08.28 작성자 홍보팀 조회 237 Professor Yoo Woo-hyun of the Department of Media Communication at Incheon National University won the Best Paper Award at the International Society of Communication (ICA) in 2024 작성일 2024.08.13 작성자 홍보팀 조회 234 Unrivaled achievements in research on discovering independence fighters, Dr. Lee Tae-ryong, Director of the Institute for the History of Independent Movement at Incheon National University 작성일 2024.08.13 작성자 홍보팀 조회 286 Kim Seung-gyu, professor of oceanography at Incheon National University, was selected and awarded the 'Science and Technology Award of the Month' 작성일 2024.08.13 작성자 홍보팀 조회 221 Interview with Professor Lee Dong-ho of the Department of Safety Engineering 작성일 2024.08.05 작성자 홍보팀 조회 456 Interview with Professor Sung Mi-young of the Department of Computer Engineering 작성일 2024.08.05 작성자 홍보팀 조회 456 처음 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음 페이지 끝