How to Apply
Visiting Program Overview
This program that allows university students from all over the world to earn credits by enjoying the experiences with other INU students and to broaden their university experience.
Unlike the exchange student program, this visiting student program is fee-paying.
Korean Language (Credit Classes) are available and On campus & Off campus dormitory is available for the visiting students. For more information about the visiting program, please get in touch with the international office of your home university or International Office, INU to see if seats are available for the visiting program for the next semester.
Unlike the exchange student program, this visiting student program is fee-paying.
Korean Language (Credit Classes) are available and On campus & Off campus dormitory is available for the visiting students. For more information about the visiting program, please get in touch with the international office of your home university or International Office, INU to see if seats are available for the visiting program for the next semester.
Application Requirements
- GPA : 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (Required)
- Language Proficiency (either English or Korean) : (Not required but Recommended )
- * English
- CEFR B1 Level (Cambridge English Qualifications)
- TOEFL iBT 60
- IELTS 5.5
- * Korean
- TOPIK Level 2
- * English
*Or, A recommendation letter from the Home university can replace the proof of language proficiency.
*Those from native English speaking countries are exempted from fitting the language proficiency level.
Application Procedure
1. The international office of your home university submits an online nomination. →
Online Nomination LINK
2. Submit the required application documents to the international office of your home university.
3. The international office of your home university sends your application documents to INU by the application deadline by email.
4. INU screens the application documents and issues a certificate of admission.
5. INU sends the certificate of admission and other materials to the international office of your home university.
2. Submit the required application documents to the international office of your home university.
3. The international office of your home university sends your application documents to INU by the application deadline by email.
4. INU screens the application documents and issues a certificate of admission.
5. INU sends the certificate of admission and other materials to the international office of your home university.
Required Documents (Send PDF file by E-mail) →
※ All of the application materials must be combined by ONE PDF file for each student (Must be sent by International Office of Home University)
And Chinese students must submit a certificate of enrollment issued by
**Bank Balance Certificate must be issued between'May 1st~ May 15th(FALL) /November 1st~ November 15th(SPRING)' of the submission year.
- 1. Application Form and Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement Download
- 2. Digital file of photo_Passport sized (3.5cm * 4.5cm, Color, Visible ears)
- 3. Copy of Passport (identity page)
- 4. Certificate of Enrollment*
- 5. Official Transcript
- 6. Recommendation letter from your home university professor
- 7. Bank Balance Certificate(1 semester : $4,500 above, 2 semesters : $9,000 above)**
- 8. Certificate of Language Skills (optional)
- 9. High school graduation certificate (D-2-8 visa holders)*
And Chinese students must submit a certificate of enrollment issued by
**Bank Balance Certificate must be issued between'May 1st~ May 15th(FALL) /November 1st~ November 15th(SPRING)' of the submission year.
Application Period / Deadline
Semester | Nomination Period ( Online Nomination LINK from home university) |
Nominee Application deadline (Send by E-mail) |
Spring | October 1st ~ November 1st | November 1st ~ November 15th |
Fall | April 1st ~ May 1st | May 1st ~ May 15th |
Tuition Fee
In accordance with the College(Dept.), from KRW 2,557,000 to KRW 3,217,000 in 2024.
(The price is subject to change each semester.)
(The price is subject to change each semester.)
Contact Us
- International Office
- #1-308, Incheon National University,119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 22012, R.O.Korea
- E-mail:
방문 학생 프로그램 개요
인천대학교 방문학생 프로그램은 교환학생 프로그램과 동일하게 운영되며, 다만, 인천대 등록금을 납부해야합니다. 대부분의 대학에서 인천대학교에서 취득한 학점에 대해 학점인정이 가능합니다. 한국어수업(한점취득) 수강이 가능하며, 교내외 기숙사 신청이 가능합니다.방문 학생 프로그램에 대하여 더 자세한 정보를 원하시면, 소속대학 국제교류부서 혹은 인천대학교 국제교류팀에 문의 바랍니다.
- GPA: 2.5 / 4.0 만점: (필수요건)
- 어학능력 (영어 또는 한국어): (필수요건은 아니지만 권장사항)
- * 영어
- CEFR B1 Level (Cambridge English Qualifications)
- TOEFL iBT 60
- IELTS 5.5
- * 한국어
- TOPIK Level 2
- 또는, 소속대학의 추천서로 어학능력요건 대체가능
- 영어를 모국어로 사용하는 국가 학생들은 어학능력요건 충족 해당사항 없음
- * 영어
- 소속대학 국제교류부서에서 선발된 학생들의 명단을 온라인으로 제출한다. → Online Nomination LINK
- 소속대학 국제교류부서에서는 선발된 학생의 필수제출 서류를 준비하여 인천대학교 국제교류원에 하나의 PDF파일로 만들어서 메일로 제출한다.
- 인천대학교 국제교류원에서는 서류검토 후 입학허가서를 발급한다.
- 발급된 입학허가서를 다른 안내서류와 함께 소속대학 국제교류부서로 송부한다.
필수 제출 서류 (이메일 발송):
- 봄학기
- 지원마감: 전년 11월 1일
- 자료제출 마감: 전년 11월 15일
- 가을학기
- 지원마감: 당해년 5월 1일
- 자료제출 마감: 당해년 5월 15일
인천대학교 계열별로 등록금 납부 (매년 조정 가능)