Engineering College with a sense of responsibility and ethics
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Research Lab. Introducing various research fields and laboratories.
연구실 소개(8 개)
Mechanical EngineeringShortcuts
Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronics EngineeringShortcuts
Mechatronics Engineering
Electrical EngineeringShortcuts
Electrical Engineering
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Electronics Engineering
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Industrial and Management Engineering
Materials Science and EngineeringShortcuts
Materials Science and Engineering
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Safety Engineering
Energy and Chemical EngineeringShortcuts
Energy and Chemical Engineering
Faculty Introduction We are making various efforts to nurture talented people with international competitiveness and future-oriented expertise.
전공소개(8 개)
Dept. of Mechanical EngineeringWebsite
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dept. of MechatronicsWebsite
Dept. of Mechatronics
Dept. of Electrical EngineeringWebsite
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Dept. of Electronics EngineeringWebsite
Dept. of Electronics Engineering
Dept. of Industrial and Management EngineeringWebsite
Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering
Dept. of Materials Science and EngineeringWebsite
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
Dept. of Safety EngineeringWebsite
Dept. of Safety Engineering
Dept. of Energy and Chemical EngineeringWebsite
Dept. of Energy and Chemical Engineering
Notice We inform you of the latest news.
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Research News Introducing various studies.
paper: Two-stage meta-heuristic for part-packing and build-scheduling problem in parallel additiveApplied Soft Computing(JCR: 상위 10%, Q1) 논문 게재 - 논문을 국제 우수 학술지인 Applied Soft Computing(JCR: 상위 102023.08.1818 2023.08
paper : Ir-Ru Electrocatalysts Embedded in N-doped Carbon Matrix for proton Exchange Membrane Waterpaper : “Ir-Ru Electrocatalysts Embedded in N-doped Carbon Matrix for proton Exchange Membrane Water2023.04.1818 2023.04
전자공학과 나태희 교수 연구팀 / TCAS-I (IF 4.14) 논문 게제 승인인천대 전자공학과 나태희 교수 연구팀 / TCAS-I(IF 4.14) 논문 게제 승인 인천대학교 전자공학과 나태희 교수 연구팀은 저전력 오프셋 내성 Sense Amplifie2023.04.0505 2023.04
paper : Exsolution Modeling and Congrol to Improve the Catalytic Activity of Nanostructured Electrod인천대 명재하 교수, “차세대 연료전지 핵심 나노촉매 제어 기술” 개발 인천대학교 신소재공학과 에너지소재 연구실 김요한(박사과정), 국제 학회 EFCF 발표, 재료분야 국제학술지2023.03.2020 2023.03
paper : 'AGD : A Learnign-based Optimzation Framework for EDA and its Application to Gate Sizing'인천대 정재용 교수, Design Automation Conference(DAC) 논문 게재paper : "AGD : A Learnign-based Optimzation Frame2023.03.2020 2023.03
Paper | Usage Dynamics of Environmental Sustainability Indicators for Manufacturing and Service Syst인천대 공대 산업경영공학과 / 박기정 교수 연구팀 (제품시스템공학 연구실)Journal of Cleaner Production 논문 게재 (IF = 9.297)-논문제목: Usag2022.06.1313 2022.06
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