〉 Education
2014.03.24. The University of Tokyo 농업자원경제박사
2010.02.26. 서울대학교 경제학석사
2008.02.22. 인천대학교 국제통상학사
〉 연구실적
Analysis of Japan’s CPTPP Trade Effect Using Gravity Model and Machine Learning Approach. Crisisonomy. 2023.05.31.
The Achievements and Limitations of the Public-purpose Dirrect Payment Program in Korea. Joumal of Safety and Crisis Management. 2023.05.31.
중력모형을 이용한 일본의 CPTPP 교역 효과 분석. 산업융합연구 . 2023.05.28.
Implications from Japan’s CPTPP Negotiations and Trade Situation. Joumal of Safety and Crisis Management. 2023.04.30.
Has the Reform of the Public-Benefit Direct Payment Improved the Inequality?. Crisisonomy. 2023.04.30.