2013.05.17 Univ. of Texas at Arlington (Ph.D)
2008.06.01 State University of New York at Buffalo (MA)
2005.02.18 인천대학교 (이학석사)
2003.02.21 인천대학교 (이학사)
2020.03 인천대학교 수학과 (부교수)
2015.09 ~ 2020.02 인천대학교 수학과 (조교수)
2014.09 ~ 2015.08 포항공과대학교 포항수학연구소 (연구원)
2013.06 ~ 2014.05 University of Texas at Arlington (Lecturer)
On the behavior of the solution to the Degasperis-Procesi equation with the Coriolis effect, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S , 2024.02.08
Qualitative properties of solution to a viscoelastic Kirchhoff-like plate equation, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS , 제64권(집) , 제5호 , 2023.05.01
Nonexistence of periodic peaked traveling wave solutions to a rotation mu-Camassa-Holm equation with Coriolis effect, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS , 제70권(집) , 2023.04.01
Existence of the Periodic Peaked Solitary‑Wave Solutions to the Camassa–Holm–Kadomtsev–Petviashvili Equation, JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS , 제29권(집) , 제4호 , PP.905~918 , 2022.12.01
Periodic peakons to a generalized mu-Camassa–Holm–Novikov equation, APPLICABLE ANALYSIS , 제101권(집) , 제14호 , PP.5042~5052 , 2022.09.22
Stability of periodic peaked solitary waves for a cubic Camassa–Holm-type equation, JOURNAL OF EVOLUTION EQUATIONS , 제22권(집) , 제3호 , 2022.09.01
The d-bar formalism for the modified Veselov-Novikov equation on the half-plane, Opuscula Mathematica , 제42권(집) , 제2호 , PP.179~217 , 2022.04.30
Stability of Periodic Peakons for a Nonlinear Quartic mu-Camassa–Holm Equation, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations , 2022.04.01
Orbital stability of periodic peakons for the generalized modified Camassa-Holm equation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S , 제14권(집) , 제12호 , PP.4409~4437 , 2021.12.31
Nonexistence of the periodic peaked traveling wave solutions for rotation-Camassa–Holm equation, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS , 제59권(집) , 제June호 , 2021.06.01
Persistence property and analyticity for a shallow-water model with the coriolis effect in weighted spaces, MONATSHEFTE FUR MATHEMATIK , 제194권(집) , 제4호 , PP.835~855 , 2021.04.01
Single peaked traveling wave solutions to a generalized mu-Novikov Equation , Advances in Nonlinear Analysis , 제10권(집) , 제1호 , PP.66~75 , 2021.01.01
Global existence and propagation speed for a Degasperis-Procesi equation with both dissipation and dispersion, Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences , 제28권(집) , 제1호 , PP.15~25 , 2020.03.01
On the Well-Posedness of the Hall-Magnetohydrodynamics with the Ion-Slip Effect, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics , 제21권(집) , 제4호 , PP.21~47 , 2019.12.01
On a shallow-water model with the Coriolis effect, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS , 제267권(집) , 제5호 , PP.3232~3270 , 2019.08.15
Discrete linear evolution equations in a finite lattice, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS , 제25권(집) , 제5호 , PP.630~646 , 2019.05.04
The existence of the single peaked traveling waves to the μ-Novikov equation, APPLICABLE ANALYSIS , 제97권(집) , 제9호 , PP.1540~1548 , 2018.06.30
The Korteweg-de Vries equation on the quarter plane with asymptotically t-periodic data via the Fokas method , ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS , 제107권(집) , 제3-4호 , PP.115~133 , 2018.04.05
On the wave-breaking phenomena and global existence for the periodic rotation-two-component Camassa-Holm system, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS , 제451권(집) , 제1호 , PP.84~101 , 2017.02.13
Traveling Wave Solutions to the Burgers-αβ Equations, ADVANCED NONLINEAR STUDIES , 제16권(집) , 제1호 , PP.147~157 , 2015.12.04
TRAVELING WAVE SOLUTIONS TO THE HYPERELASTICROD EQUATION, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics , 제33권(집) , 제3호 , PP.261~273 , 2015.05.15
Global solutions to a special case of the generalized weaklydissipative periodic two-component Camassa?Holm system, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS , 제117권(집) , PP.38~46 , 2015.04.01
Analytic solutions of the cauchy problem for the generalized two-component Hunter-Saxton system, 호남수학학술지 , 제37권(집) , 제1호 , PP.99~112 , 2015.03.01
Solitary wave solutions of the generalized two-componentHunter Saxton system, NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS , 제89권(집) , PP.242~249 , 2013.09.01
Wave breaking and global existence for the generalizedperiodic two-component Hunter?Saxton system, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS , 제253권(집) , PP.319~355 , 2012.07.01