- "Resilient and fast block transmission system for scalable Hyperledger Fabric blockchain in multi-cloud environments," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Sept. 2024.
- "Watchdog: Network-aware consensus protocol for enhancing scalability of public blockchains," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, June 2024.
- "Moving real-time services to Web 3.0: challenges and opportunities," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Nov.-Dec. 2023.
- "Service-aware dynamic sharding approach for scalable blockchain," IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, July-Aug. 2023.
- "Collaborative virtual 3D object modeling for mobile AR streaming services over 5G networks," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, July 2023.
- "Quick block transport system for scalable Hyperledger Fabric blockchain over D2D-assisted 5G networks," IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, June 2022.