

수소에너지공학, 대학화학, 재료수치해석, 반도체재료

2015.08.28 서울대학교  (박사)

2011.02.25 서울대학교  (학사)




Nitrogen Complex-Driven Vacancy Cluster in Group-III Nitrides, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제16권(집) , 제46호 , PP.64244~64252 , 2024.11.05

Beneficial Hydrogen Doping in Single Spinel Phase Crystallized IZTO Thin-Film Transistors, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS , 제45권(집) , 제10호 , PP.1831~1834 , 2024.10.01

Si precursor inhibitors for area selective deposition of Ru, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 제669권(집) , PP.160530~ , 2024.10.01

Bi(III)-based oxide semiconductors with ambipolar doping: (Na, K)BiO2, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY , 제107권(집) , PP.6285~6293 , 2024.09.01

Ultrahigh Sensitivity for Thermographic Human–Machine Interface via Precious Metals Atomic Layer Deposition on V-MXene: Computational and Experimental Exploration, Small , 제20권(집) , 제35호 , PP.2402003~ , 2024.08.28

Disorder-Dependent Li Diffusion in Li6PS5Cl Investigated by Machine-Learning Potential, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제16권(집) , 제35호 , PP.46442~46453 , 2024.08.26

Surface exsolved NiFeOx nanocatalyst for enhanced alkaline oxygen evolution catalysis, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE , 제662권(집) , PP.160134~ , 2024.07.30

Perovskite Stannate Heterojunctions for Self-Powered Ultraviolet Photodiodes Operated in Extreme Environments, Advanced Electronic Materials , 제10권(집) , 제5호 , PP.2300530~ , 2024.05.10

Facile Approach for Designing Icephobic Coatings Using Polymers/Silica Nanoparticle Composites via Self-Formation of Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Advanced Materials Interfaces , 제11권(집) , 제11호 , 2024.04.15

Why Te Doping Can Break the Traditional n‑Type Doping Limit of Silicon, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY , 제62권(집) , 제48호 , PP.19734~19740 , 2023.11.20

Area-Selective Deposition of Ruthenium Using Homometallic Precursor Inhibitor, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS , 제35권(집) , 제14호 , PP.5331~5340 , 2023.07.03

Enhanced thermal stability by short-range ordered ferroelectricity in K0.5Na0.5NbO3-based piezoelectric oxides, Materials Horizons , 제10권(집) , 제7호 , PP.2656~2666 , 2023.07.03

Native point defects in antiperovskite Ba3SbN: a promising semiconductor for photovoltaics, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS , 제25권(집) , 제14호 , PP.9800~9806 , 2023.04.05

First-principles study of SrTe and BaTe: Promising wide-band-gap semiconductors with ambipolar doping, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS , 제48권(집) , PP.90~96 , 2023.04.01

Phase stability and optoelectronic properties of lead-free CsSn1−xGexI3 mixed halide perovskites: A first-principles study, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS , 제174권(집) , PP.111183~ , 2023.03.01

Impact of Ga and N Vacancies at the GaN m-Plane on the Carrier Dynamics of Micro-Light-Emitting Diodes, Physical Review Applied , 제19권(집) , 제1호 , 2023.01.06

Hydrogen-Doping-Enabled Boosting of the Carrier Mobility and Stability in Amorphous IGZTO Transistors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제14권(집) , 제51호 , PP.57016~57027 , 2022.12.28

Computational Modeling of Physical Surface Reactions of Precursors in Atomic Layer Deposition by Monte Carlo Simulations on a Home Desktop Computer, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS , 제34권(집) , 제17호 , PP.7635~7649 , 2022.09.13

Antiperovskite Sr3MN and Ba3MN (M = Sb or Bi) as promising photovoltaic absorbers for thin-film solar cells: A first-principles study, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY , 제105권(집) , 제9호 , PP.5807~5816 , 2022.09.01

Shape-shifting nanoparticles on a perovskite oxide for highly stable and active heterogeneous catalysis, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 제441권(집) , PP.136025~ , 2022.08.01

Weak dependence of spontaneous polarization on epitaxial strain in ferroelectric BiAlO3: A first-principles study, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS , 제35권(집) , PP.67~71 , 2022.03.01

Reversible Manipulation of Photoconductivity Caused by Surface Oxygen Vacancies in Perovskite Stannates with Ultraviolet Light, ADVANCED MATERIALS , 제34권(집) , 제5호 , 2022.02.01

First-principles calculations of precursor adsorption on substrate during atomic layer deposition: The example of SiO2 deposition using tris (dimethylamino)silane, CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS , 제31권(집) , PP.228~231 , 2021.11.01

Harnessing Selective Exsolution of Sn Metal to Enhance Electrical Conductivity in Oxygen-Deficient Perovskite Stannates, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 제31권(집) , 제41호 , PP.2105086~ , 2021.10.01

Identification of Active Sites for CO2 Reduction on Graphene-Supported Single-Atom Catalysts, ChemSusChem , 제14권(집) , 제11호 , PP.2475~2480 , 2021.06.08

Interplay between transition-metal dopants and sulfur vacancies in MoS2 electrocatalyst, SURFACE SCIENCE , 제704권(집) , PP.121759~121759 , 2021.02.01

First-Principles Study on Doping of Copper Halides, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY , 제77권(집) , 제9호 , PP.764~767 , 2020.11.15

Computational Identification of Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Highly Reduced Species Beyond CO and HCOOH, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 제124권(집) , 제47호 , PP.25812~25820 , 2020.11.12

A band-gap database for semiconducting inorganic materials calculated with hybrid functional, Scientific Data , 제7권(집) , 제1호 , PP.387~ , 2020.11.11

Antiperovskite Oxides as Promising Candidates for High- Performance Ferroelectric Photovoltaics: First-Principles Investigation on Ba4As2O and Ba4Sb2O, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제12권(집) , 제39호 , PP.43798~43804 , 2020.09.08

Origin of p-Type Conduction in Amorphous CuI:A First-Principles Investigation, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS , 제257권(집) , 제9호 , PP.2000218~ , 2020.09.01

Fundamental Limit of the Emission Linewidths of Quantum Dots: An Ab Initio Study of CdSe Nanocrystals , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제12권(집) , 제19호 , PP.22012~22018 , 2020.05.13

Enhancement of Photoluminescence Quantum Yield and Stability in CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots by Trivalent Doping, Nanomaterials , 제10권(집) , 제4호 , PP.710~ , 2020.04.09

Effects of the Heterointerface on the Growth Characteristics of a Brownmillerite SrFeO2.5 Thin Film Grown on SrRuO3 and SrTiO3 Perovskites, Scientific Reports , 제10권(집) , 제1호 , 2020.03.02

First-principles study of transport in WO3, PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 제101권(집) , 제4호 , 2020.01.13

First-principles study of electron-phonon interactions and transport in anatase TiO2, PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 제100권(집) , 제12호 , 2019.09.30

Large-Scale Computational Identification of p‑Type Oxide Semiconductors by Hierarchical Screening, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS , 제31권(집) , 제15호 , PP.5475~5483 , 2019.08.13

Unveiling Electrochemical Reaction Pathways of CO2 Reduction to CN Species at S-Vacancies of MoS2, ChemSusChem , 제12권(집) , 제12호 , PP.2671~2678 , 2019.06.21

Computational Screening of Indirect-Gap Semiconductors for Potential Photovoltaic Absorbers, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS , 제31권(집) , 제11호 , PP.4072~4080 , 2019.06.11

The Nature of the Oxygen Vacancy in Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors-Shallow vesus Deep, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS , 제256권(집) , 제3호 , 2019.03.07

Intrinsic Carrier Mobility of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskites, Physical Review Applied , 제10권(집) , 제4호 , 2018.10.04

Role of Hyper-Reduced States in Hydrogen Evolution Reaction at Sulfur Vacancy in MoS2, ACS Catalysis , 제8권(집) , 제5호 , PP.4508~4515 , 2018.05.04

Hydrogen Evolution Reaction at Anion Vacancy of Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides Ab Initio Computational Screening, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 제9권(집) , 제8호 , PP.2049~2055 , 2018.04.19

All-atom simulation of molecular orientation in vapor-deposited organic light-emitting diodes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 제6권(집) , 제5호 , PP.1015~1022 , 2018.02.07

First-principles study of direct and indirect optical absorption in BaSnO3, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , 제112권(집) , 제6호 , 2018.02.05

Origin of Electrical Instabilities in Self-Aligned Amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O Thin-Film Transistors, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES , 제64권(집) , 제12호 , PP.4965~4973 , 2017.12.01

Electrical compensation mechanism in fluorine doped SnO2, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS , 제111권(집) , 제15호 , 2017.10.09

Cu Diffusion-Driven Dynamic Modulation of the Electrical Properties of Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 제27권(집) , 제25호 , 2017.07.05

Fundamental limits on the electron mobility of beta-Ga2O3, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER , 제29권(집) , 제23호 , 2017.06.14

First-principles analysis of electron transport in BaSnO3, PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 제95권(집) , 제20호 , 2017.05.15

An origin of unintentional doping in transition metal dichalcogenides the role of hydrogen impurities, Nanoscale , 제9권(집) , 제12호 , PP.4265~4271 , 2017.03.28

Light-induced peroxide formation in ZnO: origin of persistent photoconductivity, Scientific Reports , 제6권(집) , 2016.10.17

Ab initio calculation of ionization potential and electron affinity in solid-state organic semiconductors, PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 제93권(집) , 제3호 , 2016.01.22

Source of instability at the amorphous interface between InGaZnO4 and SiO2: A theoretical investigation, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS , 제252권(집) , 제8호 , PP.1872~1876 , 2015.08.01

Influence of wave-function updates in GW calculations on titanates, PHYSICAL REVIEW B , 제91권(집) , 제15호 , 2015.04.23

Origin of degradation phenomenon under drain bias stress for oxide thin film transistors using IGZO and IGO channel layers, Scientific Reports , 제5권(집) , 2015.01.20