

유기트랜지스터, 유기태양전지, 유기센서
기기분석, 고분자공학, 정보전자소재

2008.08.13 포항공과대학교  (공학박사)

2005.02.16 포항공과대학교  (공학석사)

2003.02.18 서강대학교  (공학사)




Harnessing the potential of porous carbon derived from chlorinated polyvinyl chloride as an effective gas analyte channel for NO2 organic sensors, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL , 제421권(집) , 2024.12.15

Facile self-assembled monolayer deposition on copper foil for high-performance lithium-metal batteries, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA , 제507권(집) , 2024.12.10

Recent Developments in an Organic Transistor-Based Gas Sensors, POLYMER-KOREA , 제48권(집) , 제6호 , PP.576~585 , 2024.11.19

Additive engineering for high-performance polythiophene gas sensors incorporating functional amine additive with strong binding energy for NO2, Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 제12권(집) , 제27호 , 2024.07.12

Enhanced Gas Sensing Characteristics of a Polythiophene Gas Sensor Blended with UiO-66 via Ligand Functionalization, Advanced Electronic Materials , 제10권(집) , 제8호 , 2024.05.14

High-performance flexible organic gas sensor via alkyl side chain engineering of polyalkylthiophene, Chemical Engineering Journal , 제16권(집) , 제1호 , PP.42~54 , 2024.01.16

Water-repellent Spray Coating Using Silica Nanoparticles Surface-treated by Non-solvent Vapor Deposition and Poly(methyl methacrylate), POLYMER-KOREA , 제47권(집) , 제6호 , 2023.11.23

Polymeric interfacial engineering approach to perovskite-functionalized organic transistor-type gas sensors, Chemical Engineering Journal , 제473권(집) , 2023.10.01

Booster Adhesion of Crystalline Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Binder by Heat Treatment for Ni-rich Layered Oxide Cathode in Lithium-ion Batteries, ChemNanoMat , 제9권(집) , 제7호 , 2023.07.26

Low-Regioregularity Polythiophene for a Highly Sensitive and Stretchable Gas Sensor Stretchable Gas Sensor, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제15권(집) , 제27호 , PP.32629~32636 , 2023.06.21

Highly Sensitive and Selective Organic Gas Sensors Based on Nitrided ZSM‑5 Zeolite, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제15권(집) , 제5호 , PP.7196~7203 , 2023.02.08

Exploration on Solvatochromic Sensing Probe of Phenol Blue for L-Lactic Acid Detection: Effective Strategy to Obtain Reliable Capacitive Sensor, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , 제33권(집) , 제2호 , 2023.01.01

Addition of en-APTAS to a Polythiophene Film for Enhanced NO2 Gas Sensing, ACS Applied Electronic Materials , 제4권(집) , 제12호 , 2022.12.27

Reinforcement of binder adhesion for nickel-rich layered oxide in lithium-ion batteries using perfluorinated molecular surface modification, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 제448권(집) , PP.137654~ , 2022.11.15

Organic Transistor Based NO2Sensor Fabricated with Surface-Modified Faujasite-Type Zeolite as an Efficient Nanochannel for Gas Analytes, ACS Applied Electronic Materials , 제4권(집) , 제7호 , PP.3686~3693 , 2022.07.06

Optimization of Additives for Improving the Electrical Performance in Organic Optoelectronics Devices, POLYMER-KOREA , 제46권(집) , 제4호 , PP.419~425 , 2022.07.01

Enhancement of NO2 gas sensing ability through strong binding energy by modification of interface characteristics , ORGANIC ELECTRONICS , 제104권(집) , 2022.05.01

Metal−Organic-Framework-Decorated Carbon Nanofibers with Enhanced Gas Sensitivity When Incorporated into an Organic Semiconductor-Based Gas Sensor, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제14권(집) , 제8호 , PP.10637~10647 , 2022.03.02

Polythiophene hybrid film with zirconium–porphyrin metal–organic framework for improved charge carrier transport and NO2 gas sensing, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS , 제278권(집) , PP.125661~125668 , 2022.02.15

Lithium Manganese Oxides Cathodes Functionalized by Ionic Monomer Additive as a Surface Modifier for Lithium-ion Batteries, POLYMER-KOREA , 제46권(집) , 제1호 , PP.88~93 , 2022.01.01

Advanced Organic Transistor-Based Sensors Utilizing a Solvatochromic Medium with Twisted Intramolecular ChargeTransfer Behavior and Its Application to Ammonia Gas Detection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제13권(집) , 제47호 , PP.56385~56393 , 2021.12.01

Conjugated polymer–zeolite hybrids for robust gas sensors: Effect of zeolite surface area on NO2 sensing ability, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 제420권(집) , 제1호 , 2021.09.15

Electron-interfered field-effect transistors as a sensing platform for detecting a delicate surface chemical reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 제9권(집) , 제26호 , PP.8179~8188 , 2021.07.14

Metal−Organic Framework as a Functional Analyte Channel of Organic-Transistor-Based Air Pollution Sensors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제13권(집) , 제20호 , PP.24005~24012 , 2021.05.26

Effect of Acceleration Time on the Crystal Growth and Electrical Properties in Polythiophene Thin Film during Spin Coating Process, POLYMER-KOREA , 제45권(집) , 제3호 , PP.437~442 , 2021.05.24

Ultraviolet-Light-Induced Growth of 6,13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene Spherulites, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 제125권(집) , 제19호 , PP.10835~10839 , 2021.05.20

Mass-Scalable Molecular Monolayer for Ni-Rich Cathode Powder: Solution for Microcrack Failure in Lithium-Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제13권(집) , 제19호 , PP.22475~22484 , 2021.05.19

Ni-Rich Layered Cathode Materials by a Mechanochemical Method for High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries, ChemistrySelect , 제5권(집) , 제46호 , PP.14596~14601 , 2020.12.11

Effect of localized UV irradiation on the crystallinity and electrical properties of dip-coated polythiophene thin films, RSC Advances , 제10권(집) , 제56호 , PP.34130~34136 , 2020.09.16

Effect of Alcohol Polarity on the Aggregation and Film-Forming Behaviors of Poly(3-hexylthiophene), ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS , 제2권(집) , 제7호 , PP.2980~2986 , 2020.07.10

Improving molecular structure in polythiophene thin films by solvent dipping post-treatment, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS , 제247권(집) , 2020.06.01

Influence of organic additive on the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4 cathode in an aqueous electrolyte solution, SOLID STATE SCIENCES , 제101권(집) , PP.106152~ , 2020.03.04

Carbon-caged palladium catalysts supported on carbon nanofibers for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY , 제79권(집) , PP.431~436 , 2019.11.25

Tailoring the crystallinity of solution-processed 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene via controlled solidification, Soft Matter , 제15권(집) , 제37호 , PP.7369~7373 , 2019.10.07

Uniform and Reliable Dip-Coated Conjugated Polymers for Organic Transistors as Obtained by Solvent Vapor Annealing, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 제123권(집) , 제37호 , PP.23255~23263 , 2019.09.19

Aqueous Lithium-Ion Battery of Nano-LiFePO4 with Antifreezing Agent of Ethyleneglycol for Low-Temperature Operation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering , 2019.09.10

Effect of solvent structural isomer on microstructural evolution in polythiophene film during solidification, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS , 제71권(집) , PP.150~155 , 2019.08.01

Control of Charge Trap Density in Polymer Thin Film Transistor Using Self-assembled Monolayer with Different Alkyl Chain Length, POLYMER-KOREA , 제43권(집) , 제4호 , PP.553~558 , 2019.07.24

Influence of Molecular Weight on the Solidification of a Semiconducting Polymer during Time-Controlled Spin-Coating, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2019.07.18

The solid electrolytes Li2O–LiF–Li2WO4–B2O3 with enhanced ionic conductivity for lithium-ion battery, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY , 제73권(집) , PP.62~66 , 2019.05.25

Artificially coated NaFePO4 for aqueous rechargeable sodium-ion batteries, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 제784권(집) , PP.720~726 , 2019.05.05

Built-in Water Capture in a Polythiophene Film Blended with Metal-Organic Frameworks, MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH , 제27권(집) , 제4호 , PP.421~426 , 2019.04.01

Highly crystalline and uniform conjugated polymer thin films by a water-based biphasic dip-coating technique minimizing the use of halogenated solvents for transistor applications, RSC Advances , 제9권(집) , 제11호 , PP.6356~6362 , 2019.02.21

Effect of Crystallization Modes in TIPS-pentacene/Insulating Polymer Blends on the Gas Sensing Properties of Organic Field-Effect Transistors, Scientific Reports , 제9권(집) , 2019.01.11

Metal–organic frameworks in a blended polythiophene hybrid film with surface-mediated vertical phase separation for the fabrication of a humidity sensor, RSC Advances , 제9권(집) , 제1호 , PP.529~535 , 2019.01.03

Thiophene-initiated polymeric artificial cathode-electrolyte interface for Ni-rich cathode material, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA , 2018.11.10

Ultraviolet irradiation creates morphological order via conformational changes in polythiophene films, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS , 2018.09.07

Floating-non-solvent method for inducing the formation of highly crystalline conjugated polymer nanofibrils in the solution state for high-performance organic transistors, Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2018.08.21

상온 이온성 액체로 활성화시킨 고온 작동 가능한 Nafion 고분자 전해질, POLYMER-KOREA , 제42권(집) , 제4호 , PP.682~686 , 2018.07.25

1D versus 2D Growth of Soluble Acene Crystals from Soluble Acene/Polymer Blends Governed by a Residual Solvent Reservoir in a Phase-Separated Polymer Matrix, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS , PP.1802875~1802875 , 2018.07.09

Ultrasonication-Mediated Self-Assembly in Polythiophene Films via Control of Residual Solvent Evaporation, MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH , 제26권(집) , 제2호 , PP.139~144 , 2018.02.26

Effect of Solvent Exchange at the Biphasic Dip-Coating Interface on the Formation of Polythiophene Thin Films, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 제122권(집) , 제4호 , PP.2432~2439 , 2018.02.05

Enhanced ionic conductivity of the solid electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries, JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY , 제258권(집) , PP.467~470 , 2018.02.01

Tuning Electrical Properties of 2D Materials by Self-Assembled Monolayers, Advanced Materials Interfaces , 제5권(집) , PP.1700316~1700316 , 2018.01.12

Inkjet Etching of Polymers and Its Applications in Organic Electronic Devices, Polymers , 제9권(집) , 제9호 , PP.441~441 , 2017.09.11

Post surface treatment of LiNi0.6Co0.1Mn0.3O2 electrode with poly(4-vinylphenol) for lithium ion batteries, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA , 제246호 , PP.51~58 , 2017.08.07

Synthesis of the solid electrolyte Li2O–LiF–P2O5 and its application for lithium-ion batteries, SOLID STATE IONICS , 제308권(집) , PP.40~45 , 2017.07.03

Surface Modification of LiCoO2 by NASICON-Type Ceramic Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY , 제17권(집) , 제7호 , PP.4977~4982 , 2017.07.01

Solution Processing with a Good Solvent Additive for Highly Reliable Organic Thin-Film Transistors, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 제121권(집) , 제25호 , PP.13930~13937 , 2017.06.30

Surface-Mediated Solidification of a Semiconducting Polymer during Time-Controlled Spin-Coating, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제9권(집) , 제11호 , PP.9871~9879 , 2017.03.22

Surface Modification of the LiFePO4 Cathode for the Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 제9권(집) , 제14호 , PP.12391~12399 , 2017.03.21

Effect of Non-solvent Addition Amount and Aging Time on the Crystal Nucleation, POLYMER-KOREA , 제41권(집) , 제1호 , PP.134~138 , 2017.01.23

Inkjet-Printed Organic Transistors Based on OrganicSemiconductor/Insulating Polymer Blends, Materials , 제9권(집) , PP.650~ , 2016.08.02

AlF3-coated LiMn2O4 as cathode material for aqueous rechargeablelithium battery with improved cycling stability, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES , 제325권(집) , PP.360~364 , 2016.07.04

Doped PEDOT:PSS electrodes, patterned through wettability control,and their effects on the electrical properties of polymer thin filmtransistors, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS , 제30권(집) , PP.296~301 , 2016.03.08

Marginal solvents preferentially improve themolecular order of thin polythiophene films, RSC Advances , 제6권(집) , PP.23640~23644 , 2016.03.02

Understanding Solidification ofPolythiophene Thin Filmsduring Spin-Coating: Effects ofSpin-Coating Time and ProcessingAdditives, Scientific Reports , 제5권(집) , PP.13288~13301 , 2015.08.24

Identification of Domain Boundary Defects inCrystalline Self-Assembled Monolayers, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY , 제15권(집) , PP.6001~6006 , 2015.08.01

Effect of the Cooling Rate on the Thermal Properties of aPolythiophene Thin Film, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 제119권(집) , PP.8388~8393 , 2015.04.17

Built-in water resistance in organic transistors modified with self-assembled monolayers, RSC ADVANCES , 제4권(집) , 제85호 , PP.45082~45087 , 2014.09.20

Preparation of highly conductive reduced graphiteoxide/poly(styrene-co-butyl acrylate) compositesvia miniemulsion polymerization, POLYMER , 제55권(집) , PP.5088~5094 , 2014.09.16

Sequential solvent casting for improving the structural ordering and electrical characteristics of polythiophene thin films, RSC ADVANCES , 제4권(집) , 제77호 , PP.41159~41163 , 2014.09.05

Charge transport behaviors of end-capped narrow band gap polymers in bottom-contact organic field-effect transistors, RSC ADVANCES , 제4권(집) , 제74호 , PP.39268~39272 , 2014.08.20

The Molecular Structures of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Films Determine the ContactProperties at the Electrode/Semiconductor Interface, BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY , 제35권(집) , 제8호 , PP.2277~2280 , 2014.08.20

Low Spin-Casting Solution Temperatures Enhance the Molecular Ordering in Polythiophene Films, BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY , 제35권(집) , 제5호 , PP.1491~1494 , 2014.05.20

Organic Semiconductor/Insulator Polymer Blends for High-Performance Organic Transistors, POLYMERS , 제6권(집) , PP.1057~1073 , 2014.04.08

Electrical Characteristics Enhancement of Conjugated Polymer Thin Film Transistor by Using Dipping Method, POLYMER-KOREA , 제38권(집) , 제2호 , PP.188~192 , 2014.03.25

Dipping 방법을 이용한 공액 고분자박막 트랜지스터의 전기적 특성 향상, 폴리머 , 제38권(집) , 제2호 , PP.188~192 , 2014.03.01

Electrical Performance of Organic Solar Cells with AdditiveAssisted Vertical Phase Separation in the Photoactive Layer, ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS , 제4권(집) , 제2호 , 2014.01.28

High Molecular Weight Conjugated Polymer Thin Films with Enhanced Molecular Ordering, Obtained via a Dipping Method, BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY , 제34권(집) , 제11호 , PP.3340~3344 , 2013.11.20

Polyelectrolyte Interlayer for Ultra-Sensitive Organic Transistor Humidity Sensors, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS INTERFACES , 제5권(집) , 제17호 , PP.8591~8596 , 2013.09.11

Alkyl Side Chain Length Modulates the Electronic Structure and Electrical Characteristics of Poly(3-alkylthiophene) Thin Films, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C , 제117권(집) , 제22호 , PP.11764~11769 , 2013.06.10

Fabrication of stable electrospun TiO2 nanorods for high-performance dye-sensitized solar cells, MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH , 제21권(집) , 제6호 , PP.636~640 , 2013.06.03

Evaporation-Induced Self-Alignment and Transfer of Semiconductor Nanowires by Wrinkled Elastomeric Templates, ADVANCED MATERIALS , 제25권(집) , 제15호 , PP.2162~2166 , 2013.04.18

표면개질된 금 전극의 일함수 조절을 통한 고성능 유기박막 트랜지스터 개발, 공업화학 , 제23권(집) , 제3호 , PP.289~292 , 2012.06.10

Post-deposition dipping method for improving the electronic properties of a narrow bandgap conjugated polymer, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY , 제22권(집) , 제23호 , PP.11462~11465 , 2012.05.25

Aqueous/organic interfacial coordinative crystallization for achieving highly efficient metal-glycine complex crystal growth, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH , 제346권(집) , 제1호 , PP.27~31 , 2012.05.01

A polymer brush organic interlayer improves the overlying pentacenenanostructure and organic field-effect transistor performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry , 제21권(집) , 제39호 , PP.15580~15586 , 2011.10.21

End-Capping Effect of a Narrow Bandgap Conjugated Polymer on Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells, ADVANCED MATERIALS , 제23권(집) , 제21호 , PP.2430~2430 , 2011.06.01

Solubility-driven polythiophene nanowires and their electrical characteristics, Journal of Materials Chemistry , 제21권(집) , 제7호 , PP.2338~2343 , 2011.02.01

Solubility-Controlled Structural Ordering of Narrow Bandgap Conjugated Polymers, ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS , 제1권(집) , 제1호 , PP.63~67 , 2011.01.01