- Work as business education and HRD experts who are in charge of cultivating excellent personnel, training employees and reeducating employees at conglomerate and mid‐sized firm’s training center or at public institutions.
- Work as HRD consultant at HRD research center or HRD consulting firm where implements politic research on HRD or advises on developing and training excellent personnel.
- Work as HRD experts at training institutes or HRD department at federal or local government.
- Work as researcher at creativity developing institute or psychological inspection research center where discovers creative individuals, measures and evaluates creativity and implements creativity research.
- Work as educational technology expert or e‐learning contents development and operation expert at enterprises related to online education and institutes related to business e‐learning.
- Work at lifelong education institute by obtaining lifelong educator certificate.
- Work as professional counselor at youth counselling center and counselling department of adult educational institution.
- Work as a researcher at HRD related research center or as a professor of HRD related courses by entering HRD graduate school in university in and out of country including INU.
풀팝업(1 개)