1. 2023 Participating Professor List
no | Name | Major | |
1 | D. Odkhuu | Dept. of Physics | odkhuu@inu.ac.kr |
2 | Dogyun Lee | School of Civil and Environmental Engineering | dlee31@inu.ac.kr |
3 | Donggun Ahn | Dept. of Early Childhood Education | dan@inu.ac.kr |
4 | Dongwon Kim | Dept. of Public Administration | kdw@inu.ac.kr |
5 | Dongwoo Lee | Dept. of Urban Policy and Administration | dlee@inu.ac.kr |
6 | Gwangseop Shin | Graduate School of Logistics | ksshin@inu.ac.kr |
7 | Gwanho Kim | Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering | khokim@inu.ac.kr |
8 | Gyeongmi Kim | School of Business Administration | Kyungmikim@inu.ac.kr |
9 | Heechan Kang | Dept. of Economics | henrykang@inu.ac.kr |
10 | Heekhwan Lee | School of Civil and Environmental Engineering | hlee@inu.ac.kr |
11 | Hyeonu Kim | Dept. of Urban Policy and Administration | kimhw@inu.ac.kr |
12 | Hyesin Ahn | Division of Design | hs.ahn@inu.ac.kr |
13 | Hyowon Lee | Dept. of Political Science & International Studies | leehyow@inu.ac.kr |
14 | Janggyun Kim | Dept. of Marine Science | jang.kim@inu.ac.kr |
15 | Jinho Lee | Dept. of Physics | jlee@inu.ac.kr |
16 | Jonggu Lee | School of Life Sciences | jklee@inu.ac.kr |
17 | Junho Kim | Dept. of Physics | jhk@incheon.ac.kr |
18 | Minho Ha | Graduate School of Logistics | mhha77@inu.ac.kr |
19 | Minuk Lee | Dept. of Creative Human Resource Development | wook0623@inu.ac.kr |
20 | Munhyeon Hwang | Dept. of Health and Exercise Science | mhwang@inu.ac.kr |
21 | Nyeonju Kang | Division of Sport Science | nyunju@inu.ac.kr |
22 | Sanghwa Song | Graduate School of Logistics | songsh@inu.ac.kr |
23 | Seungryong Park | Dept. of Physics | abepark@inu.ac.kr |
24 | Taeseong Kim | Dept. of Creative Human Resource Development | tskim@inu.ac.kr |
25 | Wang Rin | Dept. of Library and Information Science | wanglin@inu.ac.kr |
26 | Yongho Park | Dept. of Creative Human Resource Development | yhpark@inu.ac.kr |
2. 2024 Participating Professor List
no | Name | Major | |
1 | Byungju Lee | Dept. of Information and Telecommunication Engineering | bjlee@inu.ac.kr |
2 | ChangGeun Song | Dept. of Safety Engineering | baybreeze119@inu.ac.kr |
3 | DoGyun Lee | School of Civil and Environmental Engineering | dlee31@inu.ac.kr |
4 | Donggun Ahn | Dept. of Early Childhood Education | dan@inu.ac.kr |
5 | Dongwoo Jang | School of Civil and Environmental Engineering | jdw@inu.ac.kr |
6 | HeeChan Kang | Dept. of Economics | henrykang@inu.ac.kr |
7 | HeeKwan Lee | School of Civil and Environmental Engineering | hlee@inu.ac.kr |
8 | HyeShin Ahn | Dept. of Design | hs.ahn@inu.ac.kr |
9 | HyoWon Lee | Dept. of Political Science & International Studies | leehyow@inu.ac.kr |
10 | HyunWoo Kim | Dept. of Urban Policy and Administration | kimhw@inu.ac.kr |
11 | Jaehyuk Choi | School of Life Sciences | jaehyukc@inu.ac.kr |
12 | Jaehyuk Choi | School of Life Sciences | jaehyukc@inu.ac.kr |
13 | JongKoo Lee | School of Life Sciences | jklee@inu.ac.kr |
14 | Jungku Ahn | School of Civil and Environmental Engineering | ahnjk@inu.ac.kr |
15 | Jupil Ko | Dept. of Health and Exercise Science | jpko@inu.ac.kr |
16 | Minho Ha | Graduate School Logistics | mhha77@inu.ac.kr |
17 | Moonhyon Hwang | Dept. of Health and Exercise Science | mhwang@inu.ac.kr |
18 | Nyeonju Kang | Division of Sport Science | nyunju@inu.ac.kr |
19 | SeungJung Lee | School of Civil and Environmental Engineering | seungjung@inu.ac.kr |
20 | Taesung Kim | Dept. of Creative Human Resource Development | tskim@inu.ac.kr |
21 | Wang Lin | Dept. of Library and Information Science | wanglin@inu.ac.kr |
22 | Wooil Kim | Dept. of Computer Engineering | wikim@inu.ac.kr |
23 | YongHo Park | Dept. of Creative Human Resource Development | yhpark@inu.ac.kr |