참여교수 | 학술지명 | 논문명 | 출판일 | IF | JCR % (상위) |
참여교수 역할 | 국제공동연구 |
김장균 | Energies | Restoring pre-industrial CO2 levels while achieving sustainable development goals | 20200922 | 2.702 | 56.8% | 공동저자 | Y |
Sustainability | Comparative analysis of sequence polymorphism in complete organelle genomes of the 'golden tide' seaweed Sargassum horneri between korean and chinese forms | 20200904 | 2.576 | 54.6% | 공동저자 | N | |
Aquaculture | Trophic fractionation in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture off Tongyoung Coast: A stable isotope approach | 20210415 | 3.225 | 9.2% | 주저자 | Y | |
Aquatic botany | Responses of the germination and growth of Ulva prolifera parthenogametes, the causative species of green tides, to gradients of temperature and light | 20210301 | 1.710 | 41.9% | 공동저자 | Y | |
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society | Evaluation of nutrient bioextraction by seaweed and shellfish aquaculture in Korea | 2021.03.03 | 1.451 | 50.0% | 주저자 | Y | |
김연정 | Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity | Blue Light Irradiation Induces Human Keratinocyte Cell Damage via Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) Regulation | 2020.12.16 | 5.076 | 28.5% | 주저자 | N |
Molecular & Cellular Toxicology | Evaluation of cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and zebrafish embryo toxicity of mixtures containing Hyssopus officinalis, Morus alba, Engraulis japonicus, and 27 other extracts for cosmetic safety assessment | 2021.05.08 | 1.718 | 94.2% | 주저자 | N | |
이재성 | Fish & Shellfish Immunology | Constant and intermittent hypoxia modulates immunity, oxidative status, and blood components of red seabream and increases its susceptibility to the acute toxicity of red tide dinoflagellate | 2020.10.01 | 4.581 | 3.4% | 주저자 | N |
Aquatic Toxicology | Prolonged exposure to hypoxia inhibits the growth of Pacific abalone by modulating innate immunity and oxidative status | 2020.10.01 | 4.964 | 4.5% | 주저자 | N | |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology | Temperature elevation stage-specifically increases metal toxicity through bioconcentration and impairment of antioxidant defense systems in juvenile and adult marine mysids | 2020.07.10 | 3.228 | 3.0% | 주저자 | N | |
Environmental Science & Technology | Development and Evaluation of Olive Flounder cyp1a1-Luciferase Assay for Effective Detection of CYP1A-Inducing Contaminants in Coastal Sediments | 2020.11.16 | 9.028 | 7.3% | 주저자 | N | |
Marine Pollution Bulletin | Consistent exposure to microplastics induces age-specific physiological and biochemical changes in a marine mysid | 2021.06.20 | 5.553 | 2.7% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | The first complete mitochondrial genome from the family Solasteridae, Crossaster papposus (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) | 2021.02.15 | 0.658 | 96.6% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | Complete mitochondrial genome of the marine polychaete, Nereis zonata (Phyllodocida, Nereididae) isolated from the Beaufort Sea | 2021.03.25 | 0.658 | 96.6% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | The linear mitochondrial genome of commensal hydroid Eutima japonica (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Eirenidae) | 2021.06.25 | 0.658 | 96.6% | 주저자 | N | |
정창범 | Aquatic Toxicology | Arsenic exposure combined with nano-or microplastic induces different effects in the marine rotifer Brachionus plicatilis | 2021.04.01 | 4.964 | 4.5% | 공동저자 | N |
JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS | Phenotypic and transcriptomic responses of the rotifer Brachionus koreanus by single and combined exposures to nano-sized microplastics and water-accommodated fractions of crude oil | 2021.08.15 | 10.588 | 3.6% | 주저자 | N | |
MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN | The genome of the European estuarine calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis: Potential use in molecular ecotoxicology | 2021.05.01 | 5.553 | 2.7% | 공동저자 | Y | |
AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY | Effects of polystyrene in the brackish water flea Diaphanosoma celebensis: size-dependent acute toxicity, ingestion, egestion, and antioxidant response | 2021.06.01 | 4.964 | 4.5% | 공동저자 | N | |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics | The genome of the freshwater monogonont rotifer Brachionus angularis: Identification of phase I, II, and III detoxification genes and their roles in molecular ecotoxicology | 2021.06.01 | 3.011 | 53.7% | 공동저자 | Y | |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology | Key mechanisms of micro-and nanoplastic (MNP) toxicity across taxonomic groups | 2021.09.01 | 3.228 | 3.0% | 공동저자 | Y | |
김장균 | Aquatic botany | Enhancements provided by using seaweed-derived biostimulants can be transferred through archeospores in the red alga Neopyropia yezoensis | 20211216 | 4.379 | 22.6% | 주저자 | Y |
Marine Environmental Research | A comparison of physiological responses between attached and floating populations of bloom forming Sargassum horneri under nutrient and light stresses | 20211220 | 13.737 | 13.3% | 주저자 | Y | |
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society | Seaweed aquaculture—From historic trends to current innovation | 20211013 | 1.451 | 50% | 주저자 | Y | |
Phycologia | Localization of ITS and 5S rDNA on the chromosomes of Ulva prolifera using fluorescence in situ hybridization. | 20211102 | 2.857 | 27% | 공동저자 | Y | |
Sustainability | Changes in the dynamics and nutrient budget of a macroalgal community exposed to land-based fish farm discharge off Jeju Island, Korea. Sustainability. | 20211026 | 2.576 | 54.6% | 공동저자 | N | |
Scientific report | Effects of extraction methods for a new source of biostimulant from Sargassum horneri on the growth of economically important red algae, Neopyropia yezoensis | 20220713 | 4.380 | 22.9% | 주저자 | Y | |
Frontiers in marine science | Comparative analysis of physiological responses in two Ulva prolifera strains revealed the effect of eutrophication on high temperature and copper stress tolerance. | 20220318 | 5.247 | 5.3% | 주저자 | Y | |
Aquatic Botany | Effects of the ultraviolet filter oxybenzone on physiological responses in a red macroalga, Gracilariopsis vemiculophylla | 20220314 | 2.473 | 22.6% | 주저자 | Y | |
Journal of Applied Phycology | Concise review of the genus Neopyropia (Rhodophyta: Bangiales) | 20220603 | 3.215 | 18.98% | 주저자 | Y | |
Algae | Kelps in Korea: form population structure to aquaculture | 20220615 | 2.500 | 29.55% | 주저자 | Y | |
Aquaculture | Nanoparticle nutraceuticals in aquaculture: a recent advance. Aquaculture | 20220612 | 3.225 | 9.6% | 공동저자 | Y | |
Algal Research | Ascertaining the interactions of brown seaweed-derived biostimulants and seawater temperature on spore release, germination, conchocelis, and newly formed blades of the commercially important red alga Neopyropia yezoensis | 20220404 | 4.401 | 28.62% | 주저자 | Y | |
Marine Pollution Bulletin | Controlling the main source of green tides in the Yellow Sea through the method of biological competition. Marine Pollution Bulletin | 20220316 | 5.553 | 20.62% | 공동저자 | Y | |
김연정 김장균 |
Molecules | Polyopes affinis suppressed IFN-γ and TNF-α-induced inflammation in human keratinocytes via down-regulation of the NF-κB and STAT1 pathways | 20220311 | 4.412 | 38.81% | 주저자 공동저자 |
N |
김장균 김연정 |
Molecular & Cellular Toxicology | Association of expression of GADD family genes and apoptosis in human kidney proximal tubular (HK-2) cells exposed nephrotoxic drugs | 20220323 | 1.08 | 87.5% | 주저자 주저자 |
N |
김연정 | Biomaterials Research | Hepatic and renal cellular cytotoxic effects of heparin-coated superparamagnetic Iron oxide nanoparticles |
20211104 | 15.863 | 2.55% | 주저자 | N |
antioxidants | Antioxidant Activities and Mechanisms of Tomentosin in Human Keratinocytes | 20220518 | 6.313 | 7.7% | 주저자 | N | |
이재성 | Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the polychaete, Melinna cristata | 20210907 | 0.658 | 96.57% | 주저자 | N |
Molecular & Cellular Toxicology | Biochemical and physiological responses of the water flea Moina macrocopa to microplastics: a multigenerational study | 20210916 | 1.08 | 98.9% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | The complete mitochondrial genome of the terebellid polychaete Thelepus plagiostoma (Terebellida; Terebellidae) | 20210920 | 0.658 | 96.57% | 주저자 | N | |
Aquatic Toxicology | The dinoflagellate Alexandrium affine acutely induces significant modulations on innate immunity, hepatic function, and antioxidant defense system in the gill and liver tissues of red seabream | 20210930 | 4.964 | 4.54% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | The complete mitochondrial genome of Lamprologus signatus (Perciformes: Cichlidae) | 20211015 | 0.658 | 96.57% | 주저자 | N | |
Environmental Research | Physiological and molecular responses of the Antarctic harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus kingsejongensis to salinity fluctuations – A multigenerational study | 2022.03.01 | 6.498 | 7.88% | 주저자 | N | |
Science of the Total Environment | Effects of extremely high concentrations of polystyrene microplastics on asexual reproduction and nematocyst discharge in the jellyfish Sanderia malayensis | 20220210 | 7.963 | 9.12% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | Complete mitochondrial genome of the six-line wrasse, Pseudocheilinus hexataenia (Labriformes, Labridae) | 20220105 | 0.658 | 96.57% | 주저자 | N | |
Aquatic Toxicology | Chronic exposure to sublethal concentration of saxitoxin reduces antioxidant activity and immunity in zebrafish but does not affect reproductive parameters | 20220201 | 4.964 | 4.5% | 주저자 | N | |
Environmental Science & Technology | Reductive transformation of hexavalent chromium in ice decreases chromium toxicity in aquatic animals | 20220304 | 9.028 | 7.3% | 주저자 | N | |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology | Long-term exposure to antifouling biocide chlorothalonil modulates immunity and biochemical and antioxidant parameters in the blood of olive flounder | 20220326 | 3.228 | 5.1% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the rainbow krib, Pelvicachromis pulcher (Perciformes: Cichlidae) | 20220602 | 0.658 | 96.57% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | First complete mitochondrial genome from family Moinidae, Moina macrocopa (Straus, 1820) (Cladocera; Moinidae) | 20220610 | 0.658 | 96.57% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of the firemouth cichlid, Thorichthys meeki (Perciformes: Cichlidae) | 20220630 | 0.658 | 96.57% | 주저자 | N | |
Environmental Pollution | Acute and mutigenerational effects of environmental concentration of the antifouling agent dichlofluanid on the mysid model, Neomysis awatschensis | 20221015 | 9.988 | 9.86% | 주저자 | N | |
Toxics | Exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of polystyrene microplastics increases hexavalent chromium toxicity in aquatic animals | 20220926 | 4.472 | 25.5% | 주저자 | N | |
정창범 | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology | Effects of atrazine and diuron on life parameters, antioxidant response, and multixenobiotic resistance in non-targeted marine zooplankton | 20220520 | 4.52 | 3.69% | 주저자 | N |
김장균 김연정 정창범 |
Algal Research | Dark treatment effect on the carrageenan characterization in a red alga, Condrus crispus | 20221104 | 5.276 | 24.8.% | 주저자 공동저자 공동저자 |
Y |
김장균 | Algae | Effect of substratum types on the growth of assimilators and stolons of Caulerpa okamurae (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) | 20221215 | 2.500 | 29.55% | 공동저자 | N |
Marine Pollution Bulletin | A mixed acid treatment for the prevention of Ulva prolifera attachment to Neopyropia aquaculture rafts: Laboratory experimentation | 20221101 | 5.553 | 20.62% | 공동저자 | Y | |
Harmful Algae | Temperature and high nutrients enhance hypo-salinity tolerance of the bloom forming green alga, Ulva prolifera | 20230210 | 5.905 | 3.98% | 주저자 | Y | |
이재성 김장균 |
Journal of Phycology | Validation of direct boiling method for simple and efficient genomic DNA extraction and PCR-based macroalgal species determination | 20210805 | 2.923 | 20% | 주저자 | N |
이재성 | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology | Exposure to metals premixed with microplastics increases toxicity through bioconcentration and impairs antioxidant defense and cholinergic response in a marine mysid | 20210717 | 3.228 | 5.14% | 주저자 | N |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of the scale worm, Eunoe nodosa (Phyllodocida; Polynoidae) from the Beaufort Sea | 20210820 | 0.658 | 96.57% | 주저자 | N | |
Molecular & Cellular Toxicology | The importance of multi-omics approaches for the health assessment of freshwater ecosystems | 20220906 | 1.718 | 95% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | The complete mitochondrial genome of the terebellid polychaete Neoamphitrite affinis (Polychaeta; Terebellidae) | 20221030 | 0.61 | 96.6% | 주저자 | N | |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology | Chronic effects of environmental concentrations of antifoulant diuron on two marine fish: Assessment of hormone levels, immunity, and antioxidant defense system | 20230101 | 4.52 | 56.5% | 주저자 | N | |
Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources | Complete mitochondrial genome of the sea-pen, Cavernularia obesa (Valenciennes, 1850) (Octocorallia: Veretillidae) | 20230102 | 0.61 | 96.6% | 주저자 | N | |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology | Chronic exposure to environmental concentrations of harmful algal bloom-forming dinoflagellates induces oxidative stress and reduces immune and hepatic functions in red seabream | 20230211 | 4.52 | 56.5% | 주저자 | N | |
정창범 | Aquatic Toxicology | Short-and long-term single and combined effects of microplastics and chromium on the freshwater water flea Daphnia magna | 20221107 | 5.202 | 4.5% | 공동저자 | Y |
Aquatic Toxicology | The single and combined effects of mercury and polystyrene plastic beads on antioxidant-related systems in the brackish water flea: toxicological interaction depending on mercury species and plastic bead size. | 20221013 | 5.202 | 4.5% | 주저자 | N | |
Aquatic Toxicology | Contrasting toxicity of polystyrene nanoplastics to the rotifer Brachionus koreanus in the presence of zinc oxide nanoparticles and zinc ions. | 20221023 | 5.202 | 4.5% | 공동저자 | Y | |
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C | Modulation of acdysteroid and juvenile hormone signaling pathways by bisphenol analogues and polystyrene beads in the brackish water flea Diaphanosoma celebensis. | 20220907 | 4.52000 | 3.69% | 공동저자 | N | |
Marine Pollution Bulletin | Metabolism deficiency and oxidative stress induced by plastic particles in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis: Common and distinct phenotypic and transcriptomic responses to nano- and microplastics. | 20220811 | 7.001 | 1.33% | 주저자 | N | |
Journal of Hazardous Materials | Phenotypic toxicity, oxidative response, and transcriptomic deregulation of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis exposed to a toxic cocktail of tire-wear particle leachate. | 20220629 | 14.224 | 3.05% | 주저자 | N |
풀팝업(1 개)