인천대학교 로고

2021. 02.
17 Masters and 4 PhD graduates
2014. 03. 03.
First year graduate students were admitted to the Master's program, Ph.D. program, and MS/Ph.D. Combined program of the Department of Cosmetic Science & Management
2013. 12. 24.
Agreement was signed between the Ministry of Education, Korea and Incheon National University on the BK21plus Specialized Professional Leader Program
2013. 12. 09.
Convergence Research Seminar in Beauty Care Industry Theme: Beauty Care Industry: Vision and Prospects Place: Conference Hall, 3rd Floor Faculty Building
2013. 12. 02.
Department of Cosmetic Science & Management was established in the Graduate School of Incheon National University. Master's program, Ph.D. program, and MS/Ph.D. Combined program are offered
2013. 11. 01.
Incheon National University <Glocal Leader Program for Beauty Care Industry> was selected as the 2013 BK21plus Specialized Professional Leader Program of the Ministry of Education, Korea