[ENG]Incheon University Foreign Student Club Support Program -Uni Buddies Club

국제교육지원팀 (032-835-9580)

Incheon National University Foreign Student Club Support Program

Uni Buddies Club


Will supportclub activitieswhere foreign and domestic students at Incheon University participate together,

and at the same time,support the role of promoting club activities as a supporter.

Hope many applications from students who are interested in both club activities and promotional activities.


1. Eligibility: Foreign students andKoreanstudents (The Enrolled only)

- The number ofKoreanstudent participants is limited to 20% or less of the total participants.

2. Support Details:

- Number of clubs: 5 teams

- Support:

Representative: KRW 200,000 per person /month

Activity funds: Within KRW 500,000 per team

Excellent Club Award planned

3. Application Process:

- Application period: Until March 15, 2024 (Friday)

- Application method: Submit three application documentsvia email.

- Application documents:[Attached] Application form(1 copy), list of participants(1 copy), personal information collection and utilization agreement (Individually)

- Minimum 5 participants required for application (Domestic: up to 20% of total participants)

- Application conditions:

Only foreign exchange students can be representatives.

Korean language proficiency required for all participants (both domestic and foreign students).

No duplicate applications (1 person, 1 club)

Foreign exchange students must have completed sexual violence prevention and understanding of Korean laws education.

Education completion method: Incheon University LMS video lectures - 2024 'Prevention of Sexual Violence for Foreign Exchange Students' and 'Understanding of Korean Laws for Foreign Exchange Students'.

Domestic students can also participate, but are limited to 20% or less of the total participants.


4. Other Matters: Support may be discontinued if club activities are low or if the representative fails to fulfill obligations.


5. Club Selection Method:

- Evaluation method: Interview evaluation

Evaluation based on the activity plan in the application form

Comprehensive evaluation of the number of participants, planning, sincerity, etc.

Preference given to participants in the 2023 International Education Support Team program.

- Interviewees: Each club representative

- Announcement of successful clubs: Scheduled for March 15, 2024 (Friday) *Individual notification to representatives

- Club activity period: April 1, 2024 (Monday) to July 31, 2024 (Wednesday)


6. Representative's Role and Method of Activity Fund Payment:

- Representative's obligations:

Establishment and operation of a group online community (SNS, group chat, etc.)

Formulation of offline activity plans and implementation of at least one activity (writing and submitting activity plans and reports)

Posting club activity information on the International Education Support Team website

Weekly announcements related to the university on university notice boards, etc., and encouragement of participation (sharing useful academic information, school regulations, promotional materials, etc.)

Other roles such as facilitating communication among club participants

Submission of proof of obligations

- Payment of representative's activity fund:

Amount: Representative: KRW 200,000 per person /month

Payment timing: After the end of activities (mid-July 2024)

Submission documents: Representative's activity report

Payment method: Individual bank transfer


We encourage many applications from responsible and joyful foreign students who can lead the club as representatives. (Representatives must be foreign students)
