Share the joy of science, the 2nd Institute for Science-Gifted Education Fame Lab's success fee

홍보팀 (032-835-9490)

제2회 사이버영재교육원 페임랩(Fame Lab)&우수과제 상장 수여식 2024년 12월 7일 (토) 인천대학교 12호관 105호 제2회 사이버영재교육원 페임랩(Fame Lab)&우수과제 상장 수여식

The 2nd Cyber Gifted Education Center Fame Lab & Award Ceremony for Outstanding Tasks

Incheon National University's Institute for Science-Gifted Education (Director Han Ki-soon, professor of creative talent development) announced on December 7 that it successfully held the 2nd Institute for Science-Gifted Education FameLab and Outstanding Task Award Ceremony for students enrolled in the 2024 Institute for Science-Gifted Education at Incheon National University's Songdo Campus.

The event was held in the order of the Fame Lab competition and the award ceremony for outstanding tasks. A total of 17 elementary school students participated in the second Fame Lab competition to present various topics such as tessellation, science and magic, and Fibonacci sequence for three minutes to deliver scientific content that was creative and easy to understand, and through this, students had a meaningful time to share learning contents and gain advanced learning experiences through presentations.

The award ceremony for outstanding tasks provided a place for students to be recognized for their efforts and achievements through outstanding tasks submitted based on their learning at the Institute for Science-Gifted Education for a year. Through this award ceremony, students were able to gain confidence and strengthen their motivation for learning. In addition, appreciation plaques were delivered to three teachers who contributed to the development of cyber gifted education programs, and outstanding mentor awards were awarded to mentors who performed their roles well. 

For the students who received excellent grades in each section, one grand prize, 16 best prizes, 34 excellence prizes, and 91 incentive prizes were awarded. Kim 00, a third-year student who won the grand prize, said, "I learned a lot while performing various tasks at the Institute for Science-Gifted Education for a year. I worked hard because the process of solving various problems was fun, but I am so happy to win the award and I want to continue studying in the future."

Han Ki-soon, director of Institute for Science-Gifted Education, said, "I am proud of students' creative development of what they have learned through task performance and proving their competence," adding, "We hope this experience will serve as the foundation for growing into a talent who will lead the future science and technology society."

Incheon National University's Institute for Science-Gifted Education will continue to support students' creative competency development by operating various cyber learning courses and evaluation programs such as AI, SW, mathematics, and science with the aim of cultivating talents who will lead the future society.

Incheon National University'sInstitute for Science-Gifted Education will hold a variety of events every month to revitalize science culture, including the Incheon Science and Culture Center, Incheon National University Cyber Gifted Education Center, Life Science Class, Science Touch Incheon on Friday, and Gifted Kiwoom. All projects and events can be found in detail on its website ( ) and SNS.
