<글로벌 블루카본 인재양성 교육연구팀 저널클럽 및 브라운백 세미나 개최 안내>
▶일시: 2023년 6월 30일 10시30분
▶발표자 및 주제 :
- 저널클럽 : 이나영,이호현,최하민
1.Alkaline thermal treatment of seaweed for high-purity hydrogen production with carbon capture and storage potential(이나영)
2.Cultivation of seaweeds in food production process waters: Evaluation of growth and crude protein content (이호현)
3. Variability in blue carbon storage related to biogeochemical fators in seagrass meadows off the coast of the Korean peninsula(최하민)
- 브라운 백 세미나 : 정재우
1. Mitigating the carbon footprint and improving productivity of ruminant livestock agriculture using a red seaweed
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