
노송 사진


Large-scale antenna systems, millimeter wave wireless communication, intelligent information processing
Signals and systems, Digital logic




Deep learning-based direction finding in the presence of direction-dependent mutual coupling,ICT Express ,9() ,4,PP.670~676 ,2023.08.01

Joint direct and indirect channel estimation for RIS-assisted millimeter-wave systems based on array signal processing,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ,2023.04.07

Millimeter Wave Reflection Pattern Codebook Design for RIS-Assisted V2V Communications,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY ,71() ,6,PP.6819~6824 ,2022.06.30

Design of Channel Estimation for Hybrid Beamforming Millimeter-Wave Systems in the Presence of Beam Squint,IEEE Systems Journal ,16() ,2,PP.2834~2843 ,2022.06.01

Bi-LSTM-Augmented Deep Neural Network for Multi-Gbps VCSEL-Based Visible Light Communication Link,SENSORS ,22() ,11,2022.06.01

Channel Estimation Techniques for RIS-Assisted Communication: Millimeter-Wave and Sub-THz Systems,IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine ,17() ,2,PP.64~73 ,2022.06.01

High-resolution and low-complexity DoA estimation for hybrid array of subarrays,IEEE Access ,10() ,PP.54922~54935 ,2022.05.27

Optimal Pilot and Data Power Allocation for Joint Communication-Radar Air-to-Ground Networks,IEEE Access ,10() ,PP.52336~52342 ,2022.05.09

Training Signal Design for Sparse Channel Estimation in Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Millimeter-Wave Communication,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ,21() ,4,PP.2399~2413 ,2022.04.01

RIS-Aided Physical Layer Security with Full-Duplex Jamming in Underlay D2D Networks,IEEE Access ,9() ,PP.99667~99679 ,2021.07.09

Advanced Network Sampling with Heterogeneous Multiple Chains,SENSORS ,21() ,5,PP.1~17 ,2021.03.12

1D CNN과 기계 학습을 사용한 낙상 검출,정보처리학회논문지. 소프트웨어 및 데이터 공학 ,10() ,3,PP.85~90 ,2021.03.02

깊은 신경망 기반 영상 화질 개선 모델을 활용한 저품질 영상에서의 객체 검출 성능 향상,한국통신학회논문지 ,45() ,12,PP.2169~2176 ,2020.12.01

Fast Beam Search and Refinement for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Based on Two-Level Phased Arrays,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ,19() ,10,PP.6737~6751 ,2020.10.01

빔포밍 알고리즘,한국전자파학회 논문지 ,31() ,8,PP.701~712 ,2020.08.21

Adaptive Multiuser Transmission Using Millimeter Wave Beam Alignment with User Selection,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY ,69() ,8,PP.9140~9145 ,2020.08.01

Residual Energy Analysis in Cognitive Radios With Energy Harvesting UAV Under Reliability and Secrecy Constraints,SENSORS ,20() ,10,2020.05.25

Cognitive Interference Cancellation with Digital Channelizer for Satellite Communication,SENSORS ,20() ,2,PP.1~15 ,2020.01.08

Limited Feedback Designs for Machine-Type Communications Exploiting User Cooperation,IEEE Access ,7() ,PP.95154~95169 ,2019.07.15

Multi-Resolution Codebook and Adaptive Beamforming Sequence Design for Millimeter Wave Beam Alignment,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ,16() ,9,PP.5689~5701 ,2017.09.01

Mean Squared Error Based Excitation Pattern Design for Parallel Transmit and Receive SENSE MRI Image Reconstruction,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL IMAGING ,2() ,4,PP.424~439 ,2016.12.01

Training Sequence Design for Feedback Assisted Hybrid Beamforming in Massive MIMO Systems,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS ,64() ,1,PP.187~200 ,2016.01.01

A New Precoder Design for Blind Channel Estimation in MIMO-OFDM Systems,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS ,13() ,12,PP.7011~7024 ,2014.12.01

Pilot Beam Pattern Design for Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO Systems,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing ,8() ,5,PP.787~801 ,2014.10.01