
홍윤식 사진


모바일 컴퓨팅, wireless sensor networks




- Feature-Based Gait Pattern Modeling on a Treadmill,Electronics ,12() ,4201,PP.1~13 ,2023.10.12

- 이미지 인식 기반 국내 자생종 소나무 종 분류,한국산학기술학회논문지 ,24() ,5,PP.660~666 ,2023.05.31

- 빅데이터 분석을 통한 소량다품종 주문생산 납기 개선,한국산학기술학회논문지 ,24() ,5,PP.389~395 ,2023.05.31

- Sleep Pattern Analysis in Unconstrained and Unconscious State,SENSORS ,22() ,9296,PP.1~26 ,2022.12.01

- Multi-Sensor Data Fusion with a Reconfigurable Module and Its Application to Unmanned Storage Boxes,SENSORS ,22() ,14,2022.07.19

- An Automatic Data Completeness Check Framework for Open Government Data,Applied Sciences-Basel ,11() ,19,PP.1~17 ,2021.10.07

- Large-Scale Road Network Congestion Pattern Analysis and Prediction Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoder,Sustainability ,13() ,9,PP.1~20 ,2021.05.02

- Deep Learning-Based Content Caching in the Fog Access Points,Electronics ,10() ,4,PP.1~20 ,2021.02.23

- A Password Meter without Password Exposure,SENSORS ,21() ,2,PP.1~25 ,2021.01.05

- Prediction of Body Weight of a Person Lying on a Smart Mat in Nonrestraint and Unconsciousness Conditions,SENSORS ,20() ,12,PP.1~16 ,2020.06.23

- segment based weight estimation of a patient lying in a smart mat,BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY ,125() ,S9,PP.185~185 ,2019.12.01

- Menu Recommendation System Using Smart Plates for Well-balanced Diet Habits of Young Children,WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING ,2019() ,PP.1~ ,2019.11.14

- Sensor based Location Tracking in Crematorium,International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering ,8() ,12,PP.513~519 ,2019.10.15

- 격자형 압력 센서 배치 구조를 이용한 다층 기반 누운 자세 판별 알고리즘,한국산학기술학회논문지 ,20() ,6,PP.402~409 ,2019.06.30

- Improvement of RTLS Performance Using Recursive RF Active Echo Algorithm,Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,17() ,2,PP.146~154 ,2019.06.30

- An Improvement of Energy Consumption Efficiency for MQTT-SN Using Transmission Scheduling and Variable ,Advanced Science Letters ,23() ,PP.9634~9638 ,2017.10.01

- A Real-Time Discrimination of a Lying Position of a Patient Using a Grid Structure ,Advanced Science Letters ,23() ,10,PP.10259~10263 ,2017.10.01

An indoor navigation system using infrared-ray sensors and artificial markers,Information (Japan) ,18() ,1,PP.237~243 ,2015.01.31

- 상대거리 지문 정보를 이용한 무인이송차량의 주행 경로 제어,정보처리학회논문지. 컴퓨터 및 통신시스템 ,2() ,10,PP.427~436 ,2013.10.31

- A Chaining Authentication Scheme Using S/Key OTP Based on a Fast and Secure Hash Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks,Journal of Next Generation Information Technology ,4() ,8,PP.353~358 ,2013.10.31

- A Precise Moving Control of an Automatic Guided Vehicle in a Narrow Indoor Environment,Int. J. of Advancements in Computing Technology ,5() ,12,PP.197~203 ,2013.08.30

- A Control Packet Minimized Routing Protocol for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks,Sensor Letters ,10() ,8,PP.1~8 ,2012.12.01

- 이중 랜드마크 인식 기반 AGV 이동 제어,한국통신학회논문지C ,37() ,8,PP.721~730 ,2012.08.31

- A Cost-Effective Rate Control for Streaming Video for Wireless Portable Devices,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information ,5() ,6,PP.1147~1165 ,2011.06.01

- 부분 토폴로지 재구성 기법을 적용한 부하 균형 토폴로지 유지,한국통신학회논문지 ,35() ,12,PP.1188~1197 ,2010.12.01

- 저이동성을 갖는 무선 애드혹 망에서 다중 경로 정보를 이용한 에너지 인지 라우팅 프로토콜,한국콘텐츠학회논문지 ,10() ,4,PP.55~65 ,2010.04.01

- An AIAD-based Adaptive Routing Protocol in AD-Hoc Wireless Networks,Network and Parallel Computing ,PP.1~12 ,2008.12.31

- 노드 이동성을 고려한 적응형 AODV 알고리즘,정보과학회논문지 ,35() ,6,PP.529~537 ,2008.12.01

- 애드혹 네트워크에서 에너지 소비 균형을 고려한 적응형 라우팅 프로토콜,정보처리학회논문지 C ,15-C() ,4,PP.303~310 ,2008.08.01

- Performance Analysis of TCP Downstream Between Heterogeneous Terminals in an Infrastructure Network,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,4706() ,PP.778~789 ,2007.08.01

- An Improvement of TCP Doanstream Between Heterogeneous Terminals in an Infrastructure Network ,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,4523() ,PP.739~746 ,2007.05.01

- A User-Friendly News Contents Adaption for Mobile Terminals,Lecture Notes in Computer Science ,4351() ,PP.217~226 ,2007.01.31

- IEEE802.11x 무선 랜에서의 데이터 다운스트림 성능 향상,전자공학회논문지 ,43() ,11,PP.1410~1419 ,2006.11.30

- An Evalution of Multimedia Data Downstream with PDA in an Infrastructure Network,International J.of Information Processing Systems ,2() ,2,PP.76~81 ,2006.06.30

- A Real Time Contents Adaption for Mobile User,COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2006, PT 2 ,3981() ,PP.249~258 ,2006.05.31

- Improving Performance of Multimedia DATA Downstream with PDA in an Infrastructure Network,J.of Mobile Multimedia ,2() ,1,PP.81~96 ,2006.03.31.



- 문제해결을 위한 c언어 프로그래밍,상조사 ,2001.02.01

- ASP를 이용한 웹 서버 프로그래밍,상조사 ,2000.01.01

- 디지털 시스템 설계를 위한 VHDL,홍릉과학출판사(IDEC교재개발시리즈 6) ,1998.07.01